Apr 26, 2007 21:44
some people just can't take a hint.
they really dont get it.
Yea, im strong, but emotionally, i can go from a fuckign bullet-proof-vest to a blown glass figurine in 0.5 seconds.
when i ask you to stop doing something, STOP it.
why do people always have to have the last word. if he had just not repeated it 3 fuckign times, i would have said "okay, yea" and moved on with my life.
but because he repeated it... well fuck.
now i jsut feel like some kind of a disease.
he's told me that so many times.
and yet we end up being close always
and then he tells me it again, so i do my best to avoid, and we end up being close again.
i feel dirty. i feel like a whore. i am ashamed. now you know.
i regret it. i regret every single second of it.
i bet i'm not the only one.
now you know my side too.
i dont see you trying to make ME feel better about it.
im like a disease to everyone. they all just end up wanting me to go away.
everyone ends up the same in the end.
in the end, they all go away.
can't stay in one place for too damned long. I've always known the road was my home, and my spirit wild.
I don't want to endure any more verbal beatings from you. or you. and especially not you.
just stop the punishment and let me crawl into my corner and lick my wounds.
I'll go away. i'll disappear. i promise.
i promise i'll dissapear.