fall in love with tumblr :3

Apr 16, 2012 13:46

I think my LJ account looks like a zombie nowadays =___=
I didn't post anything necessary. I didn't write down many private things either. and the point is, I didn't add many friends too, since I think I rarely post to community and/or give some comments to the entry *which are the most possibly spots to getting know other users, I think.*
I just love the communities related to Alice Nine, D-Boys, D-Date, and Yanagishita Tomo for the updates.

one day I intended to help my friend to make an account on tumblr. she desperately wanted to make one but it didn't work. 
fortunately, I could help her successfully. at that time I didn't have any account on tumblr though, even only clicking the main address of tumblr. then yeah I was very interested after all XD
I decided to make one which has a totally different user name as I've ever had to avoid some worst possibilities.
I mean, sometimes everyone did a mistake intentionally or unintentionally, like re-posting a link that actually forbidden; stealing informations without permissions; or you just have to give credits in case she/he asked to but you didn't; and something like that.

it must be really surprising whether the ones who own the original links/posts apparently find your site(s) and they accuse you claiming their private things as yours no matter what and they become to be so fussy *whereas you assume that it's really trifling* =__=
I prefer avoiding cyber-abuse to taking a lot of risks. but that doesn't mean I stole or re-posted links that forbidden though. honestly I'm kinda dreadful of something like that *smirks* so I'll always make sure that I won't claim anything as mine *except if it's surely mine*; and give credits or a link to the origin sites.

sooooo~!! I'm totally being excited with my new tumblr account XDD I uploaded many old photos of alice nine, especially tora; reblogged cool posts/photos of D-Date, D-Boys, Yanagishita Tomo; sharing my screen caps; and maaannnny moooore!! XD *bouncing*

want to take a look?? *winks up* just post a comment ^.^
*I'm not sure it's quite necessary though lol*

account, new, excitement

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