Finally . . . GRADUATION!

May 09, 2010 12:28

I realized that I have not posted anything since February! This hiatus is mainly due to one stressful semester as I was completing my Master's project. But the hard work paid off and I am now a Master of Educational Technology.

From Graduation

From Graduation

From Graduation

From Graduation

Since the program was all online this was the first and only time I stepped on campus. Flagstaff is about a 2-3 hour drive and it was great to have my best friend, brother and his girlfriend, and my parents come and watch me graduate (and of course Josh). I was able to meet my adviser/professor/mentor face-to-face for the first time. He was an exceptional teacher and was glad to be in several of his courses as well as have him as an adviser.

From Graduation

More photos . . .

If anyone is interested, you can view my final project on Digital Storytelling.
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