a survey I wrote myself/filled out a while back. use but credit me

Mar 15, 2005 09:11

If you were to die at this very moment...

Would you...
Never have been kissed?: Hahahahaha. Ha. o.o;;;
Die a virgin?: meep o.o I would. ::makes sure not to die::
Die alone (figuratively and/or literally)?: People have been really nice to me lately, and Mason and/or my parents are always around, so neither figuratively nor literally. ^^o
Be happy with the life you lived (overall)?: So-so. I probably would wish I could have lived up to everyone's standards better.
Really care?: Right now I really, really would.

Who would you...
Blame?: Myself, I suppose. Dunno who else. o.o
Apologize to?: All of my friends, my parents, my animals. Everyone.
Feel most sympathetic towards?: Steve, Laurel, maybe Mason. None of them deserve to go through the death of someone close.
Regret never having gotten revenge on?: No one. Perhaps Steve's mom. But right now my rage for her is cooled off, so it's possible I would be glad I never got revenge on anyone.
Regret ever wanting to get revenge on?: Steve. And Lora. I'm sure Laurel at times, too, although I can't remember anything specific.
Regret never having told that you loved?: Kep, I think. And Lora...?
Miss that you never would have expected to miss?: My parents.

What would you...
Remember most?: My friends and the time I spent with them.
Feel proudest of?: My writing and perhaps drawing.
Wish you could redo (differently)?: Interactions with people, fights over basically nothing.
Wish you could relive (the same)?: All of the weekends with Laurel and the afternoons with Steve.
Miss the most?: Love's warmth.
Miss the least (or not at all)?: Being yelled at/misunderstood.
Miss that you never would have expected to miss?: School. Leftover pizza. Reading fortune cookie fortunes and adding "in bed" at the end.

Where would you...
Want to be buried?: Somewhere sunny and warm.
Want to be remembered by (like a favourite spot to chill and think, or to be with friends)?: The Natick Mall. I know it sounds stupid, but it isn't supposed to. I've had so many good times there...
Miss being the most?: At home, warm and happy. Or at a friend's, laughing and playing DDR and eating pizza.
Miss the least (or not at all)?: I think I'd miss everywhere.
Miss not having gone?: China. >.< Maybe Russia...
Miss that you never would have expected to miss?: My own cozy room...
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