Oct 26, 2008 22:46
I'm very happy to say that my job at Guitar Center is going really well so far. They finally called me and I started working last Wednesday. I worked a few hours on Thursday to learn how to close and then they had me go "solo" on Friday and Saturday. I was a little nervous about screwing up but I kicked butt on Friday. I was so happy. It feels great to have a job I really like. I just hope I can meet my quotas after this first month of training is done. All the guys that work there are super cool.
I'm also working on some new songs :) I should also work on booking some shows....
Yesterday I went to Greek town to see some of my co-workers play. They did a really great job. Some girls asked me to dance with them at the end of the last set lol I think one of them may have been a lesbian cause she asked me for my number.... LOL but I'm going to assume that it was for future concerts since her friend is the girlfriend of the keyboardist. Afterwards me and Dad went to the Greek Town Casino and threw some money away on the slot machines. The slot machines are absolutely ridiculous to understand. I was getting really confused, especially when I'd press a button and BAM! my whole dollar was gone in 1 shot when it was a nickle machine..... wth???
Thanks to Nick, Ruth and Justin for responding to my last post :)