Jan 28, 2006 23:57
My life is kinda chaotic. I have stuff going on everyday. Homework is taking up all of my time when im not working. so lets see, i go to calc 6-10pm on mondays. i come home go to sleep because i have yoga at 10am. Then i come home from yoga, work out, do Psych h/w thats due on thursdays. Work out and go to work on Wednesdays. come home wednesday night and do h/w again. Wake up do more homework and then go to psych from 6:30 -9:30. Come home do my Japanese h/w and then math h/w. Friday i get up work out then go to work 5-11. Then i come home and sleep to get up and go to Japanese at 9:30am. Come home do math h/w. Sunday go to work 3-11. Then the cycle starts again. :( im exhausted.
Then last night I had the worst work experience ever. Friday nights are generally busy for Rams Horn and last night i had a 6 table section. My section was either dead (like 1 table) or super overwhelmingly busy (having all 6 tables at once needing everything!). It was sooo overwhelming and crazy. I had two tables get mad at me and wanted to see the manager. So that made me really sad. When the second table complained i started crying. I definitely didnt mean to and i held most of it back, but it was just such a stressful night and by the time 11pm came when im supposed to go home, and they complained, i had no restraint left on my emotions. So I finally got to my clean up at 11 something and i definitely didnt get out of there till 12. It was the WORST night ever. I was left drained and emotional. Thank god a waitress helped me out by stocking my tables for me or else i would have been there even longer. My dad says i shouldnt take any of the complaints personal, but i cant help it. Blah. So now im super busy with school, and last night showed me just how much my job can suck. Nice....
I could go for some hugs... But it seems i just wont have time for that to happen. :(