Mar 08, 2009 16:22
I found out that I will be starting my new contract position on Monday. I am nervous, but I think someone else will be starting the same day as me, so at least I won't be the only newb on the scene. I will be making $4 less an hour than what I was making at my last contract job, which is kind of a bummer, but this seems to be the nature of the beast right now. A lot of the jobs I have seen advertised or have went to interview for are hiring at lower wages. I also don't have a definite end date for my contract. It may be short, or it may last a really long time. I am glad that I will be out working again, I just hope I like the place and the people I work for. I am really lucky that Steve has been paitient with me and also very lucky that I was eligible for unemployment.
Yesterday after Steve got a haircut, we went to Borders and bought me another book! I got a comic pocket book. Then Steve got a phone call from a co-worker inviting us to see Watchmen, so off we went to the movies. I liked the movie. I have not read the book, so I had no expectations going in. Some parts were a little slow, but overall I thought it was pretty good. Of course we stayed to see Dan's credit at the end too. After that we went to dinner and it started to snow. Yes it is still that cold here Californians!
Today we went to the Seattle Kennel Club Dog Show. It was a lot of fun. We missed the Cavaliers, but we got to see a few anyway at the Meet the Breeds area. We also got to see the Dancing Dogs. I love watching that even though some would think it is pretty stupid.
So now Steve is raiding in EQ2, well sort of, and I am getting ready to straighten up the house I think. I am going back to work tomorrow, so I won't have as much time to do things at my leisure any more. I can't believe it has been 2 months since I last had a job.