Feb 15, 2007 00:55
You know, Valentines day could've been a depressing day for me. I would've been very bitter today. I woke up this morning not expecting anything, not because I didn't want to get my hopes up but because it seriously is just a day. However, my friends never fail to keep my spirits up. The day started with me taking the train with Rich and having a conversation about how interesting the day will be. It was quite interesting to say the least. I'm pretty damn sure Rich can say the same as well. I love surprises, pixie sticks, and cute teddy bears!!
Also, because of this sugar infused holiday, I will be holding off on the chocolates for a bit. I've had so much these past two days. I don't think I've ever had this much candy on valentines day. I think I was functioning soley on sugar today.