May 07, 2004 21:15
April 29, 2004-
AHHHHH! The site's too BIG! I had to do some trimming. Sorry!
April 25, 2004-
Welcome to the next version. Haha. The other one got to be much much much to big, I think, and the pages of some of the comics weren't showing up. Thus, this small layout that is still very much of spiffyness. Well. No big updates other than that. And LOOK! I CGed something myself. Hehe.
April 19, 2004-
Wow! Such a big update! LITS Ch. 1 is finished and updated! Rev Ch 1 is finished and updated! My rant page has also been updated. Go me! Haha! I dunno if I should start a new one or not, or just keep going on the whole three that I have
going at once! Well, That's all for now, I think. Ja!
April 8, 2004-
GAWD!! My background didn't upload!!! *tries to fix the prob.*
April 7, 2004-
Hey everyone! I know I didn't upload, but oooooh well! ^_^ I got some of the comic things set up, but I need to get my drawing and such together before I can make up the gallery. But it will eventually come. Haha. Need to upload the rest of L.I.T.S...I guess I can do that around now. Have to ink a few more pages...but it will be done most definitely tomorrow. I'm on Spring Va-K! ^_______^ Lots of free time. Will try to get the chapter for Revolution done. Bet you will all love that. Maybe I will just oekaki the Alderset Cronicles icon though. It's spiffy ^_^ Enough Rant. Now upload!!!! ^_______^
April 5, 2004-
Welcome to the next version of my webbie. This is goin to be better cause it's more...mine ^_^ hehe. I figure I'll put updates here since it will just be a bit easier. But after a few updates, I will put them into the "Update Archive" and there will be a link to that after my update rant. Hehe, A big thanks to Mark for doing all of the hard work ^_^ I hope you all enjoy this layout as much as I know you loved the last. I actually made half of it ^_^ *proud look and face of satisfaction* I finished drawing the last of Chapter One for L.I.T.S. so you know now. I just have to ink it and it will be ready for posting. Enjoy the layout. It May be a while before everything is up though. I will most likely be working on Revolution until I get Chapter one done. I guess it would be easiest to just work on something until I get one chapter done so I'm not all skippy around and confused on these comics. Hahaha!!! I'm easily confused though =\...Oh well. I hope you all find at least one thing here that you like to read and will continue to read and hopefully buy if it's published. Please tell your friend about this site. It's dead otherwise. And sign the GB!! And talk on the forums!!! They're dead ;-; Thank you and buh bye!
March 27, 2004-
been tweeking at the site but my internet has been too funny to really upload to the web. But I'll try anyways. I'll be having a new layout soon, I hope. L.I.T.S. now has 5 pages up and a few more to come ^^; I have two and a half half done at the moment o.O Does that make sense? Also, I am prolly gonna have a section up for my lil sis ^_^ But that may have to wait until Summer. Thus we have more time ^^;;; Maybe expect another update soon...but don't hold your breath.
February 27, 2004-
Almost time for a new update... >_>; I am so lazy...XD I'm (finally) getting around to inking Revolution. The cover page, page for chapter one, and page one are ready. So that leaves four pages? I really need to buckle down and work ><; I am lazy x.x; Maybe if I got fan mail =P Lol. Just kidding (maybe). There could be an update today to tomorrow, depends on progress. I'm workin' =P
February 16, 2004-
It's my birthday!!! ^______^ And there's an update!!! O_O Yes! Five pages of Lilies in the Sand!! But unfortunately, no update for Revolution. I don't have my black markers...x.x; well, maybe next weekend? It won't be as hectic...Will probably add the Character profiles for L.I.T.S. sometime next week. Also, I'm working on making those more like Nadine's is now...Does anyone even read this? o.O; Or the forum? Or even visit?!
February 14, 2004-
Bet you can guess what I'm gonna say...yup! No update...GOMEN NASAI!!! I tried but m sister came home and has slept all day ><; Plus I've been working on my book report. Maybe another time this weekend? ^^;;; Maybe tomorrow morning-ish? Meh, now for my rant...:
OMG!!! I have FANS ^________________^ I'm so happy! *dances around* This guy named Gabe told me. W00t W00t! ^^ (Gabe...I like that name -^ ^-) And MONDAY I TURN 15!!! I'm getting a tablet from my dad. The last two that I was supposed to get were damaged >< gr...And I got the whole FY series from my mom...yay! My grandma got me more markers =D My old ones were dying.
That's all for now. As PTTH says "Doot-doot-do-doot-doot! The end!"
February 13, 2004-
I got to my dad's later than I thought. Hopefully there will be an update SOON...Maybe later tonight...maybe around noon (central time) tomorrow...I'm really sorry about not having this done, I've just been a busy, lazy girl, working on a lot of things, comic included. See you later...sorry (again)!!
February 11, 2004-
Tweeking the site, realized I didn't change the number. Also adding a date so I won't have to worry about updating that every day...You'll only see a bit, but the site will be spiffy for the weekend update! Maybe even a bit of a new layout!....never know...
February 09, 2004-
Yay! More links in the link section ^^ I'm a bit further behind then I'd like to be...but I have the update done! Enter Lilies in the Sand and Revolution!! I'm skimping out on the fifth page for Revolution, but oh well, good enough, eh? ^-~ I had to ink the fifth page for L.I.T.S., and the four pages for Rev. so really I have my reasons. Enjoy!
Ok, didn't finish inking in time because by the time it will be done my sister will be home and taking up the now you only get links...x.x; I will update this weekend...It's a long one...half a day Friday and no school the following Monday. Thus, big update. GOMEN NASAI!! ><;
February 05, 2004-
Opps! It's been a while since an update, eh? Well, I'm really excited! My birthday's in eleven days! Hehe, I know what I'm getting from my mom...I got her to buy it! The WHOLE Fushigi Yuugi series. I love Watase's work, she's so talented...She was what inspired me to draw comics ^^ \V/ Well...*hint alert* I've been drawing a lot because my freshman peers like to read them. Not just freshman though. Lots of people, some I don't even know! Well...*main hint* I have four pages done with Lilies in the sand, and three with Revolution! (I will update at page five) I'm at my mom's this weekend, and my webbie's at my dad' don't be expecting an update, eh? Maybe Monday...There will *probably* be an update the sixteenth, presidents day and my *BIRTHDAY!* ^^ See, you get the presents, too...
January 18, 2004-
Pages 13-15 posted in the archive. The voice actor thing has been updated...but no one cares lol. Also working on a new layout...still...End Chapter One.
Alright. Updated a LOT! Got a new layout...It's *spiffy!* I will be adding here and there. Only one archive it look-at-able...That's Pulling Hearts. I'm working on comic pages so as I get enough to really get an update, I will update that comic...And actually, I have five going but I won't post one ^^
January 12, 2004-
Wow, it's been a while. Finals week starts tomorrow, so I will be drawing a lot more. Expect pages, hopefully this weekend. I have one already, but I'm too lazy to scan it in, lol. Go lazyness o_O
December 23, 2003-
I fixed some of the errors on the site such as un-urled links and such. Everything should be better. If anyone sees any other problems, please post, telling me so in the forum ^^; thankies! Ja!
December 22, 2003-
MERRY CHRISTMAS! I'm afraid I won't get my Christmas picture that I made up in time. I left it at my mom's...Sorry. Why the front page looks so...plain right now: I'm working on pictures for the new layout. Thank you Mark for helping with that! I'm hoping it get it done this week. Today will not be it, though. It's Monday and I'm going to go off to play DnD after my room gets cleaned ^^; It's very messy. He He. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all.
December 17, 2003-
Six new pages. The first of the three pages n the edited part is where you will be starting when you click the button. That seemed the easiest way. Well, more updates to come! Ja!
December 15, 2003-
I forgot the update at my mom's ._.; sorry guys. Only have to ink 1 1/2 more pages! ^^; plus, my sharpies aren't working so I'll have to stop at dollar general or something to pick up I'll try to have the update........Wednesday! ^_^ Friday marks Christmas Vacation. Expect updates ^_^ Plus one on animation, probably...ja for now!
December 7, 2003-
Thank you Zero for letting me use your lil' thing-a-ma-bobber =D *hugs* love ya!! XD
December 1, 2003-
Wow, how time flies! Well, I'm going to be taking away some pages from you guys for a bit. Then I will add some new ones and give back the old. I decided it would be best to expand on one part and not be lazy. I may just note to you to read from page whatever to page whatever the last one will then be. Yeah...I think you will like the new ones ^_^ bye for now...
November 22, 2003-
Sorry for the delay on the page...I've been busy. I have the next page, #7, up. Also I added a link section.
November 09, 2003-
Added page 6! New character comes on the next page ^^
November 08, 2003-
Due to problem with Yahoo!, I have switched my server back to an old one. Wow. Been a long time since I used it. Also, I have put up my gallery, Forum, and a FAQ. Enjoy!
November 3, 2003-
First update!! I have 5 pages up! Whoo hoo!! ^_^ Hope you all enjoy. Should have the site working properly with in about a day.