It would appear that having nothing to do while waiting for temp jobs is good for my editing and posting impulses. Or maybe I'm just fed up with having a million fics floating around that need to be finished, and the ones that only need editing are the easiest to get out of the way.
Title: As Good as Gone
Summary: Harry and Draco face off with Neville and Hermione.
Warning: Drabble. Oneshot. Implied slash. Part of my Evil AU (which is the 'verse to which
Have Some Chocolate belongs). Harry is a Slytherin. Neville is the Boy Who Lived.
Author's Notes: I totally blame
figletofvenice for the path this AU is taking, as far as Harry is concerned. I hope you're happy. :P
As Good as Gone
“Well, well,” Draco drawls, “what have we here?” An aristocratic sneer curls his lip. “The Boy-Who-Lived and his Mudblood whore. How quaint.”
“Get fucked, Malfoy,” Longbottom snaps, stepping forward, in front of Granger.
“You offering, Longbottom?” Harry inquires.
“I wouldn’t touch him with a twenty-meter pole,” Longbottom replies acidly.
“Blond’s not your type?”
“Slytherin bastard’s not my type.”
Harry’s mouth slides into a smirk. “If you say so.” He turns to Draco. “Let’s go, we’re late for class.” His eyes meet Longbottom’s as he pushes past, and he winks wickedly, just to see the Gryffindor’s silent snarl of helpless fury.