Or Just As Mad

May 03, 2007 02:40

Well, I have had a bit of an insane week. So much has happened. And I still have so much going on. Which is why I am writing randomness on lj at nearly 3 in the morning instead of sleeping.

I only have five days of classes left. A week from Sunday and I will be back in Boston. That's kind of frightening. I have far too much work for school to almost be over, and I'm going to miss everyone at school. Well, not everyone. There are definitely quite a few people I don't need to see ever again. Happily, some of them are graduating, so I won't have to ever see them again. Lucky me! I'm also not sure how happy I am about having to live with my parents for several months. I love them dearly, but, honestly, I'm not five. On the bright side, I will have access to a car again! Well, partial access. To two cars. Maybe three. If my sister decides to go away somewhere and lets me use her car. And I will see my bestest friends again! I miss my other half (it's very odd being just me, even after two years), and I miss my Starlight (chocolate kisses if you're reading this, love! Did you see, I used the icon you made me!).

August 12th, Starlight. August 12th! It will be a night like no other. ::huge grin:: I am SO FUCKING EXCITED!

This summer is going to be mad. I already have two jobs, and I can work random temp jobs through the agency again as well. Need to call them so I can do that on the 10 days of summer I am not already working. Must keep them on my resume.

And next fall is going to be AMAZING. Our theatre troupe (the Nutshell Company Players) is doing Twelfth Night next semester, and it's going to be brilliant. We've already started planning, because we are complete dorks (and by 'we are complete dorks' I mean 'she is fantastic and enthusiastic and I am an obsessed idiot who doesn't know when to stop'). As soon as I am done with all the mountains of work I still have for classes, I am going to re-read the play fifty times. Just because.

And the preliminary courses are out. Of course, the theatre courses are listed yet, which is too bad, but I know I want to take costume design I, and try to audit lighting design I. I must take some kind of acting class, or I will do my nut, and I will, of course, take Far Off, Off Off, Off and On Broadway again (we go see shows every other week, it is Wonderfulness). Other than that, well, I'd like to take some sort of writing course, but I'll probably do screenwriting when I go abroad, so I'm not sure what I'll do fall. Not that I actually have to make these decisions now, of course, but, again, obsessed idiot who doesn't know when to stop, and I have an insane amount of energy right now, but not in a 'I want to go for a walk' kind of way, more a 'my eyes are closing, but my brain is going full speed' kind of way. Sad.

Perhaps it's the knowledge that in three days, I will be free of tech. I have been doing tech for the past three weeks (two different shows), and, of course, before that I was in tech for my own show. Which I still miss. Which is pathetic. But I've actually been doing straight tech for the show I'm working on now (by which I mean I am running the sound board, not just sitting around doing nothing or running like a madwoman all over the place because I am doing everything at once and must get everything done before curtain, because I have to be on stage for two and a half hours). We had our final dress rehearsal tonight (which was open), and we open tomorrow. Three shows, and I'm DONE. HUZZAH!

My brain is bouncing off the walls. Seriously. Unfortunately the rest of me is not with it. I shall now attempt to sleep.

Sorry for the random-ass ramble of doom. At least it wasn't another sob story.

life, ramble, me

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