....A rare bird indeed

May 08, 2012 16:19

So I went to see The Avengers this past Saturday with jenlan and I freaking loved this movie. I am going to see it again (yes, I am going to see a movie a second time VOLUNTARILY LOL!) because I liked it that much! This is indeed a rare bird. It's not that I don't like going to the movies, I actually do enjoy it. But seriously most movies that come out are basically one time watches for me and I never sit and watch them again, not even when they come on cable. Like take The Hunger Games for example, went to see it in the movies, it was ok (the book is SOOO much better) and I know I will never watch it in its entirety again. Even the Harry Potter movies after the second one I rarely if ever watch on TV though I enjoyed those movies greatly when I went to see them.

In fact the only movies I've seen voluntarily more than once in the Movies in the past ten years are:
Harry Potter and the Chamber of secrets
Star Trek 2009 - Yes I admit I actually liked this movie a lot when it came out, even though its completely different from the original series universe and will never be as good. I don't know why but I just like it.
The Avengers - will be seeing it tomorrow with my mom in 3D, yes I'm also willingly going to see a movie in 3D, which should tell you how much I like this movie LOL.

So why do I like it so much, ok the movie in a nut shell is your basic superhero flick. Bad guys come, Good guys have to stop them, epic battle at the end, Good guys win. But the way it was put together was very well done, the characterizations are perfect and the action sequences are superb. The film was also surprisingly very witty and funny. Now everyone might not enjoy it, if your not a fan of superhero or action flicks you'll probably find it boring and may a little confusing, but to my Marvel fangirl heart it really did justice not only to The Avengers comic books but also to superhero comic book movies in general.

marvel, the avengers, fangirling, reviews

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