Life Update

Nov 25, 2010 04:05

Since I no longer work for Anime Pavilion, I need to look into getting a job for winter break and then again for summer. I'm honestly not sure where is currently hiring, but I know that a lot of places need extra help for the holidays in retail, so I'll start there. Ok, so I don't NEED to technically, but I'm turning 20 in just a few weeks and I'll be damned if I don't have some sort of job to support myself during the time I'm not away at college. If anything, I should probably try to get a job on campus, but having a job in the winter and summer is the least I can do for my family. Hell, they're pretty much footing my college tuition and housing by themselves. In other words; I am EXTREMELY lucky. Thankfully I'm becoming increasingly more independent, but I still feel guilty that my parents pretty much cover me financially. So I'm starting to look into applying for as many jobs as I can. Honestly... I should have started this sooner. The fact that I was struggling with some classes this semester isn't really an excuse... time to kick my butt into gear. As always, I'm worried that at almost 20 I'm still so childish and immature and petty. Blehhh.

That said, I requested that instead of my parents getting me a big gift for the holidays (my parents spoil me in December far too much), they give a goat and some chicks through for me instead. I think that's a much better thing to ask for. Granted, I'm still a greedy little bastard and value the material far too much, but I'm donating to pay for the chicks myself, so at least that won't be another burden on my parents.

Eh, I'm just going in silly circles at this point. I made 6 pies in the past 3 days! They're pretty delicious and I'm proud, if I do say so myself.

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