(no subject)

Oct 26, 2010 20:57

Bummed. I'm sick today. I had tickets to a concert tonight, but was too sick to go. In general, I'm just feeling a little down. Not sure if it's just because I'm sick or what. I'm going to start updating Lj more because I really miss it.

Been watching a lot of Dexter and Glee recently. I'm all caught up on both, which is a nice feeling. I've been going through the motions of school and watching a lot of movies recently. I haven't felt up to working out at all this semester and I'm wayyy out of shape/getting chubby, but I just have no motivation to go to the gym. I pretty much just do schoolwork, eat, watch movies, sleep, and do chores. Suprisingly, I'm ok with that, I think.

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