Okay, well I haven't written in a while. I've been SO busy. After spring break everything in the world is due for class. I have a research paper due, an art hisotry presentation, two sculpture pieces along with two papers, a silk screen print, an etching print, and postcard prints, along with the presentation and a test in educational psych. Oh yeah, and on top of all my ceramic projects that include a four day japanese fire burning. Let's just say I'll be way busy with school.. but that's not even half of it! On top of that I have something for my sorority almost every weekend from here on out! And I'm still trying to register for classes at KSU for the summer. Oh well. On a brighter note I entered an exhibit for the Art Place which is over by the library.. so hopefully I'll get into that. I'll find out on the 7th. It's the same piece that I entered for the Ecletic and it got in there, so I'm hoping!! But the only bad thing about that was.. our UWG student show is around the same time. The student show overlaps the other one by 2 days! And I can't ask the gallery if I can have my piece taken down two days early just so I can have to shown in another gallery! But, we'll see. Hopefully I'll get in and everything will just work out on it's own!!
This one of the pieces that I did as a series for a class.. it's also the one I submitted to the exhibit and it's the same one that got accepted into the ecletic magazine!! It's a little different, but I like it. It's not the same boring things you would associate with watercolor paiting. Okay well I gotta go get ready for pictures for our sorority and our new website! I'll try to write more later.. if I have time!