Title: Untitled [3/?]
Theme: theme number and what the theme is
Rating: PG for now...
Pairing: Ruka x Sakito [Nightmare]
Disclaimer: I don't...own...any member of NIghtmare. None of this...happened...
Comments: Uhh...I miss my almost-not-working computer. Definately need a new mouse so I can...write....things.
The point of this chapter? I don't know...
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Hearty laughter rung through the brightly lit restaurant, the cling of silverware and glass resounded through the room. The smiley-drummer casually draped an arm over his girlfriend's shoulders as she giggled like an idiot at something he had said just seconds ago, leaning into his frame.
Sakito couldn't help but feel a pang of pure hatred for the beautiful woman now occupying his secret desire's attention. Without realizing it, he had been holding a steady glare to the girl for the past minute or so before he felt a sharp kick to his shin under the table, redirecting his attention to the dark-haired bassist sitting across from him. His friend looked at him strangely before joining back in on the conversation around the table. The guitarist set his focus on the food in front of him which he had been ignoring for he felt an indescribable sickness in the pit of his stomach.
His eyes flickered up to Ruka to see the drummer looking at him with his brows furrowed a bit, obviously having noticed Sakito's blatant disliking for the his lover. Sakito picked around in his food a few more minutes before excusing himself and making an escape to the restroom. The guitarist really just could not stand this girl, for what reason he did not know. She seemed nice enough and was definitely one of the prettier women Ruka had dated. Ah, that was it. She was with 'his' Ruka.
Quick footsteps followed behind the slim man, someone obviously trying to catch up with him, but he continued on into the bathroom anyways, leaning against the sink as soon as he had gotten in there. "I shouldn't have come here..." the guitarist groaned to himself, feeling tears well up as thoughts of Ruka and the girl together got stronger.
"What makes you think that, Sakito?" A familiar voice questioned, surprising the guitarist a little. He sighed quietly before shaking his head and looking up at the worried drummer leaned against the wall next to him.
"Just not feeling well, that's all." Sakito tried his best to give Ruka a reassuring smile, but the drummer didn't believe him. A strong hand was gently placed on his shoulder turning the guitarist towards him, Ruka slowly embraced the thin man.
Sakito blushed deeply, clinging to the warm chest he was now leaning against. He felt bad for making his friend worry so much lately, as he'd been acting distant and dazed for the past few weeks upon discovering his strong feelings for the drummer.
"Why won't you talk to me Saki-chan? You really worry me sometimes..." the hurt tone of Ruka's voice made the guitarist feel horrible and he felt the tears welt up in his eyes again. Maybe he should just tell the drummer how he felt so he'd stop being so worried and leave him alone to get over his feelings.
Ruka pulled the man back from his chest and placed both hands on his shoulders, his eyes locked with the teary-eyed guitarist's.
"Sakito.. Sakito, what's wrong? Please, just tell me..." Ruka squeezed the guitarist's shoulders slightly when his eyes broke away from the drummer's gaze and focused on some dirt on the floor.
"Ruka...I...think-" Sakito glanced up at the drummer quickly before looking back down, " ...I love you..."
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And it was all downhill from there. Ruka had let me down gently, saying it was best for the band and how it could never work out with the risks of being dropped from the label. Of course, I had thought of this all before and insisted that we wouldn't make any kind of public affection to let on to a relationship, but he only apologized more, leaving me heartbroken in that damn bathroom, telling the others I had gotten sick and took a cab home.
I didn't believe a word he had said about it not working because of the band. I was convinced that it had everything to do with my appearance. I went home and took a good look at myself in the mirror, feeling worse and worse about myself as I found things wrong. I started eating less and less that week, trying to lose weight and worried more about my hair and make-up. I wasn't satisfied with the slow process of being on a diet so I started throwing up what I did eat and next thing I knew I couldn't stop. My mind just spiraled out of control and not once did I even consider stopping what I was doing, until just recently that is.
Sure, we had talked about what happened later that week but I still felt some sort of hope that maybe one day Ruka would be attracted to me. Eventually I had gotten over my feelings, deeming it simply as a lusty crush and that the only love for him I felt was a brotherly sort and our friendship was stronger now. Though, lately I’ve been having some odd thoughts about Ruka being with someone else for so long now that I can’t help but get that sick feeling I had in the restaurant that night.
Apparently I had zoned out with my thoughts again and a loud slam of a heavy door startled me, my head shooting over to the studio door closed and no one left in the room but me. I looked around and noticed that their stuff was all taken with them and laughed aloud. Oh, those guys are *so* dead.