May 27, 2005 14:50
yesterday sucked but graduation itself was great...except that we were sweating our asses off before we actually went out there where everyone was at. it great knowing that im free from high school, free from mrs. dodge(UGH!), free from referrals(lol), free from HOMEWORK(not like i ever did it) & free from DRAMA!!!! ok i think i went a little too far on that last one cuz its not like im never gunna hear about or see lindsey there will STILL be drama. lol! i met some of landos family last night + his mom finally!! lol! Why yesterday sucked: Too bad my mom had to ruin graduation day for me by 1. making me late to my own graduation(shes gunna make me late to my own fuckin funeral, i swear) & 2. yelling at me when SHE couldnt find ME afterwards. she was bitchin bc my family had to go back home bc it was late & they needed to work in the morning. i told her where i was at & she didnt fucking hear me bc she was too busy yelling & ruining MY graduation day. its my fucking graduation for gods sake & i wont see half of those people ever again & i couldnt even enjoy it bc my fucking mom had to ruin it just like she does everything else. pisses me off. & lando yelled at me for writing on his car w/shoe polish(cuz other ppl GAVE me the shoe polish & told me to so i did) & as if that wasnt bad enough, he got pulled over bc he "couldnt see out of his windows". he could see while he was driving cuz i didnt cover the drivers side so thats stupid. he claims he got pulled over on his way to get gas then come to my house(which i dont believe bc he was yelling at me & tellin me he wasnt gunna come see me right before that). he says he decided to come see me since i was mad..whatever, i dont believe that. this whole week before graduation he said we were gunna hang out graduation night & then he stayed out with his friends til 3:30 in the morning & said he wasnt gunna come see me..when he was RIGHT BY MY HOUSE. so yes i was mad, but lando never cares when im mad or sad. he made me cry last night & the only thing he said was "im not gunna fall for that anymore Renee". hes not gunna fall for that ANYMORE?? he NEVER feels bad when he makes me cry & its not like i can or would make myself cry for no reason. i was crying sooo bad last nigth & i told him why yesterday sucked(bc of my mom & then wut he was doing/saying) & he said "im sorry renee, but im already layin down & im gunna go to bed. ill talk to you tomorrow". once again not caring anything about he never has. he just cares about himself. hes starting to act like jordan.
graduation party- Sunday, June 5 @ the American Legion on Kostoryz. 6pm - ?? BE THERE! if u have any questions about how to get there or anything feel free to call: (361)5488942