Dear author,
Thank you so much for writing for me! I've written some general notes about each pairing, including some themes and general scenarios I'd love to see.
Things I like: I'd prefer a fic that focuses on the emotional aspect of the pairing, rather than just the physical side (though explicit sex is fine!). I like angst and drama, but only if it feels realistic - fluffy plots are great too, if you feel they fit the characters better. Happy endings, please!
Things I don't like: My tastes are fairly vanilla when it comes to sexual content, so nothing too out of the ordinary, please.
Bruce/Natasha: I think that Bruce and Natasha had a fascinating and tentative relationship in the movie. The Hulk is the only thing in the movie that Natasha really shows true fear of, but despite knowing how dangerous he is, in a sense it's through her that we see the stages of Bruce's acceptance into the team. She brings him from India, and she is the one to welcome him into the Avengers - something that Bruce doesn't expect, and visibly affects him. In addition to Bruce's very considerable issues, Natasha also has a very dark past that's filled with guilt. Though they have similar issues, I'd like to see the way their problems keep them apart as well as being them together.
Clint/Darcy, Bruce/Darcy: I'd love to see a fic that shows Darcy as a smart, ambitious and committed character (she is a pol sci grad student, after all!). During the whole of Thor, Darcy is working in a field totally alien to her expertise - but even so, shows high intelligence and loyalty to Jane. Darcy doesn't need to be turned into a SHIELD field agent; she already has a useful occupation of her own. I think it'd be really interesting to see her in an analysis, policy or liaison position in SHIELD, instead of a secretary or a coffee-maker. Would love to see her working in her own field and taking charge, rather than being shown as lazy. I ship her with both Clint and Bruce: I love the kind of jock/nerd dynamic she can have with Clint, and Bruce/Darcy is just adorable.
(Note: No Hulk!sex, please.)
Sherlock BBC
Greg/Molly: I adore both of these characters and think they would be wonderful together - basically I just want to see them live happily ever after. (Though I would love to see them take an angsty, convoluted road to get there!) I'd love to see these two creating a relationship and making it work, despite the fact that neither of them have simple lives. By the end of season 2, we see both of them moving past unhealthy relationships or infatuations, with both of them affected in different ways by Sherlock's faked death. I'd love to see them either before or after Sherlock's return. A plotty fic (maybe about dealing with Moriarty's crime ring?) would be wonderful, as would one in which the focus was on their relationship.
Irene/Sherlock: These two characters had amazing chemistry in the show, and I'd love to see them interact with more witty banter and power plays. Maybe Sherlock seeks out Irene, now that he's also presumed dead, and they go off to manipulate major world governments together. Though I read Irene as bisexual in the show, I know not everyone else did, and I don't necessarily see this as a physical relationship. Either way you choose to write it, their intellectual interaction was what I found so hot in the show, and I'd love to read more of that.
Harry Potter
Percy/Oliver: This is one of those perfect pairings that never would have occurred to me without fandom. I'd love to see these two post-war, moving on with their lives and maybe dealing with memories and guilt. I love stories about old friends realizing that they are actually in love, and working through their fears in order to make things work. I'm a big fan of stories with these two of the angst-and-misunderstandings variety, but I'd also be completely happy with something fluffy.
Hermione/Pansy: I'd be interested in seeing Hermione and Pansy being forced into contact with one another as adults after the war (maybe as co-workers in the Ministry?) and initially continuing their old dislike and rivalry, until they realize that they have more in common than they thought. I love Pansy's ruthlessness and courage, and I'd like to see her written with sympathy. I believe that she's capable of growing and admitting the mistakes she made in the past. Hermione has a tendency to see things and people in black and white, and I'd like to see her come to realize that not everyone in the war had choices as clear as hers. (Note: No infidelity on Hermione's relationship with Ron, please.)