Fic for the Challenge

Jan 06, 2006 22:09

Title: Um...Wanna help me think of a title?
Author: lonespark
Rating: PG-13?
Spoilers: Yes, for The Brotherhood, obliquely, for S2 generally in that Caldwell et al. appear; no specific plot spoilers.
Summary: The sylphs were keen on strengthening pair bonds.
Disclaimer: I don't own any Atlantis characters, and I'm only borrowing their sex lives.
Author's note: I hope this works for the secrets prompt. It's where the story wanted to go.

Atlanteans were never quite at ease with inviting aliens to their city, but in this case the diplomatic groundwork had been months in the laying, and the science team's simulations suggested the Nai-roongian energy being could help significantly in their efforts to repair and recharge Ancient systems. Still, the group leaving the briefing room collectively held its breath as the creature floated through the gate.

Weir welcomed the entity (christened a “sylph” by the first contact team) and its keeper with cordial solemnity, then stepped back among her people. The keeper had explained the sylph's need to touch their minds, so that it could integrate into the web of a new society's relationships, but that didn't mean they knew what to expect. The sylphs were keen on strengthening pair bonds, they'd been told.

The sylph floated first toward McKay, who tried not to shift unfomfortably, and failed. He felt its conciousness tugging gently at his own, until it found and amplifed a certain attachment. Sheppard had been standing on the other side of the group, but he suddenly and swiftly moved to Rodney's side, wrapping both arms around his waist and breathing him in.

Others in the group had similar reactions as the sylph touched their minds. Ronon put an arm around Teyla's shoulders. Weir reached out and grasped Zelenka's hand. Kavanaugh dropped to his knees beside Simpson and hugged her hips, her hands possessively clenching in his hair.

The sylph and its keeper moved on into the empty briefing room, ready to discuss a plan of action. Elizabeth had to ask for a few moments for her people to collect their thoughts. A few turned out not to be enough, so everyone was dismissed pending their ability to behave like focused professionals, and she let Radek pull her into her office.

They were able to reconvene in under two hours. Elizabeth had spent three-quarters of that time sitting on her desk, with Radek's arms around her, unable to stop stroking his hair. The had been tactfully dating for a few weeks, but she suddenly needed him not to let go.

Simpson and Kavanaugh were the first ones back. They were alert, focused, and only slightly mussed. That probably was rope burn on his wrist, but that couldn't possibly be anyone's business. McKay and Sheppard were punctual as well, but John wasn't giving very many air molecules the chance to get between him and Rodney.

They discussed the possibility of the sylph helping to recharge ZPMs. Both it and the Nai-roongian guide were doubtful, but willing to try. Other types of technology challenges seemed to present better odds. The sylphs were familiar with the Ancients, but rather neutral toward them. Apparently they viewed the Ascended Do Not Meddle approach as disloyal, cowardly, and possibly impious.

It was explained that the sylph would continue to affect people emotionally whenever it came in contact with them, but that the effect would decrease over time. In Nai-roongian society, the effect was welcomed, since it strengthened family ties and reduced conflict. Weir remembered being told, on the planet, that these bonds were “too strong to outlast death,” whatever that meant.

Everyone was briefed on the new information and the sylph began working, and touring Atlantis between tasks. It became a fun game, playing “spot the pair-bond,” and trying to figure them out before they were revealed.

Lorne and Kusanagi, playing cards in the mess hall, left quickly and came back hours later. With rings. Lt. Cadman barely left the infimary for days. Col. Caldwell, lecturing a group of Athosian warriors about effective use of rocket propelled grenades, revealed himself to be the sort of man with a girl in every port. Or two girls, rather, both of whom looked like they could handily kick his ass before breakfast.

When Weir saw that, she walked calmly into her office, closed the door, and laughed for two minutes straight. She was just recovering when Rodney walked in and did a passable impersonation of the man growling, “I don't know about you, Sheppard, but I for one take fraternization rules very seriously.” They both lost it, and it felt good.

The whole city seemed more peaceful and relaxed since the sylph's arrival, so of course it eventually all went to hell.

One day the sylph chose to explore the practice room, and as it rounded the corner the whole pier began echoing with bloodchilling wails. Those were coming from the creature, and the source its distress was revealed to be Sgt. Stackhouse, crumpled on the floor, brokenly sobbing, like a man being torn apart.

The sylph hightailed it back to the gateroom, while the keeper withdrew a respectful distance and began berating Weir. “We were wrong about you!” he shouted, “You are cruel barbarians! How can you allow such loss and pain? How can leave one alone and half living? Why would you conduct yourselves in such a way? Do you cherish suffering?” Then he fled too, and she found herself telling Chuck to dial the gate and let them go home. It was another shining triumph for intergalactic relations.

How much damage had been done? Was the creature injured? Was Stackhouse? Heightmeyer and Sheppard were holding him while Beckett checked his vitals. She thought about the way the creature tugged at her mind, and the way she had felt Radek tugging back. What if there was nothing that pulled back, nothing but loss and longing and the bleakness of what might be eternity, after all? The answer seemed obvious, now. Too strong, indeed, to outlast death.

What had they done?
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