We had not posted the Winners of Challenge # 24. Sorry about that, by the way. :)
And after the disaster of my trying a tie voting, I undid that one & just gave out all tied 1'st, 2'nd & 3'rd Places...
1st Place
casett &
apinkpanthress 2nd Place
ailurophile6 &
ailurophile6 3rd Place
casett &
apinkpanthress And a reminder, that Challenge #26 still has has a full Week before it ends!
We need some Icons, since no one has entered so far!
Please take the time & go here for ->
Challenge #26 & the Link to its Caps.
Thank you!
P.S.: The Winners of Challenge # 25 will be posted the day after tomorrow since the Internet &LJ are acting up on me. :(
Though, you still can vote on #25 if you haven't yet, up until the moment I post the Winners here(The next circa 42 hours). ;) Since we could use a few more votes anyways.