RP Profile~

Jul 09, 2008 01:10

Personal Info
Preferred Name: Kavik
Age: 22
Time zone (in GMT+/-): Eastern Standard Time -5
Native language: English
Languages I am also fluent in: None but English.

Contact Info
MSN: last_of_the_wilds@hotmail.com
Email: last_of_the_wilds@hotmail.com
Skype: KaichouSensei

Roleplay Info
Years of roleplay experience: Approx. 9

Muses I have experience playing (with bandname): All of Alice Nine and GazettE.
Muses I would like to try playing (with bandname): There are none, really. XD

Pairings I will play: All within Alice Nine and The GazettE as well as all crossovers between the two.
Pairings I will not play: I will play any pairing of any crossover, band, etc as long as I get to play someone I'm familiar with (i.e someone from Alice Nine or the GazettE).

Looking for private roleplay or community? Private

AU or Non-AU: Both

Do you play Het, Yaoi, or Yuri? Yaoi mostly, but het too.

Highest rating of roleplay I will play (ie: NC-17, R, etc): NC-17

Kinks I will roleplay: Anything and everything from bondage, to rape, to MPreg, to bedroom roleplaying, watersports (except in the mouth), etc.
Kinks I will not roleplay: Stuff dealing with feces and throw up. *Shudders*

Playing styles I will do (paragraph, asterisk, other to be explained): Paragraph ONLY.

Writing Sample (can be from an roleplay log or made up on the spot like an opening
From my fic Going Under
Shou's eyes narrowed. Hiroto's eyes narrowed. You could almost see a lightning bolt of anger sparking up between their gazes. At least, this is exactly what Tora thought as he and Hiroto arrived at Shou's home at the same time. He could tell the two were still sour over their break-up that had happened a little less than a week ago and therefore he proceeded to inch slowly to the side to greet some of the other people that had arrived before them. If those two were going to blow up in each other's faces he most certainly didn't want to be near when it had happened. He'd broken up his fair share of fights during practice the past couple of days and didn't want to do so anymore. Nao had been too nervous to break them up and Saga had deemed it not his business if they "ripped each other's limbs off", as he had said. Therefore Tora was left to do it and he hadn't been happy about it.

The glare between Shou and Hiroto lasted just a bit longer before a certain spazzy soloist decided to show up at the party Shou was throwing for the celebration of their latest CD getting a high ranking on the Oricon charts. Said soloist greeted Shou with a wide grin. "Hey hey Shou-san!" He grinned, looking to Hiroto after Shou responded with a weak smile, "You too, Hiroto-san!" He ruffled the shorter man's hair slightly before entering Shou's home without being invited inside.

When he was out of eyesight, Hiroto glared at Shou one last time--one that clearly said, "If this wasn't for our band I wouldn't even be here."--before he too entered the room and scouted out some of the people he knew. Shou recognized the meaning of that glare and narrowed his eyes further at it if that was at all possible. Then he proceeded to shut the door and walk back to where everyone was either chatting, having refreshments, or dancing to the overly loud music the singer had on, which was--of course--their own. It was a party for their band, after all.

From my fic Opposites Attract
"Tell me, Shou-kun..." Ruki growled softly, moving his mouth to Shou's ear, his voice nothing more than a whisper. "Do you enjoy making me mad? Do you enjoy it when I'm so pissed I'm ready to hurt you for real?" Shou's mouth was parted as he gasped silently against the sensation of a sharp bite to his earlobe. His free hand grappled for his lover's shirt, while the other struggled against the grip that had only gotten harder.

"Yes..." He replied shakily, clenching his eyes shut as a moan left his still-parted lips due to Ruki licking an obscene line from his neck to his ear, the bitter taste of make-up and sweat not bothering him a bit. "God yes, Ruki-sama...." He breathed, biting his bottom lip as he felt the pants of his costume getting tighter in a certain area.

The smaller man growled in an effort not to moan at the sound of Shou's voice so breathy and needy...whispering his name like it was something sacred...

His nose curled as Shou opened his large, brown orbs to focus on him even as his head was tilted back against the wall. Ruki pulled his face away from the crevice of Shou's shoulder and neck, where he had momentarily moved to escape that piercing gaze that was sending tremors straight to his groin. His eyes narrowed as he watched Shou watching him, felt the grip he had on his shirt and the jerking his captive arm did every now and again. "Please..."

Comments/Further Information: Those're some old examples. Haha. XD Oh, and I also am willing to roleplay OC/OC or OC/JRock. I'm okay with either. ;3


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