Coffee Addict - Oneshot

Jun 12, 2008 17:23

Title: Coffee Addict
Author: Kavikalphawolf
Band/Pairing: Nao/Aoi [alice nine./GazettE]
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Fluff/PWP
Warnings: Unbeta'd. ManxMan.
Disclaimer: Do not own these guys.
Comment(s): My half of the trade with dazzlingdespair at jrock_ffrequest. I wrote two fics in return for their's since it was so long. X3 And this is also a belated b-day gift for them as well. This is the first time I've ever wrote or even heard of this pairing, so I hope I portrayed them accurately. XD
Summary: When shopping with Shou, Nao finds something very interesting and something he believes his lover will appreciate greatly.

"Aoi-kun! I'm back!" Nao called into their shared apartment, toeing off his shoes and setting his bags aside on the couch. When he didn't get a response from his lover, he furrowed his brows and headed for the kitchen. He figured the guitarist might just be drinking his coffee and not want to reply in his delight for the brown drink, but that theory was quickly shoved aside when he saw the kitchen was empty and the coffee Nao had put on before leaving was still sitting there in its container. Well, the amount he'd left anyway.

Nao looked at his watch to see that it was nearing two in the afternoon, so maybe Aoi had gone out or something? The drummer shrugged, heading to the bedroom to put his coat away. It had been a little chilly this morning, so he had had to wear a little more clothing than he would have normally done.

When he entered the bedroom, his previous thoughts flew out the window at the adorable picture he was met with. Aoi was still curled under the blankets of the bed, the only part of his body visible being his neck and shoulders since his lower half was under blankets and his head was nestled under his pillow. The drummer chuckled softly at the sight, knowing Aoi must have burrowed himself like that when he'd left earlier due to the noise he must have been making.

Putting his jacket back up in the closet, Nao crossed the room and sat on the edge of the bed, his body half turned on the bed to where one leg rested on the sheets and the other stayed on the ground. Carefully he drew the pillow back from his lover's head to see a blissfully asleep guitarist, hair messed up from both sleep and the pillow. His breathing was deep and even, so if Nao had any reservations of him not being asleep then they were thrown out the window.

"Aoi-kun..." He murmured softly, delicately pushing strands of hair from the guitarist's eyes with his fingers.

It was a few moments before the ebony-haired man responded, but when he did he groaned low in his throat and wrapped his arms around Nao's waist, bringing his own head to rest in Nao's lap. "Did you have to get up so early this morning?" He asked sleepily, never once opening his eyes as the drummer smiled down at him, now running his fingers through the silky black strands of Aoi's hair affectionately.

Nao nodded to his lover's question. "Yes, I did. Shou-kun wanted to go out shopping and I promised him awhile back that I'd go the next time he wanted to."

"He wanted to go at nine in the morning?" Aoi grumbled, nuzzling his face into Nao's stomach and wrapping his arms tighter around his lover's form. "Even Ruki-kun doesn't like to go that early."

The drummer chuckled at Aoi's groggy protest. "Yes, when he wants to go somewhere he likes to go as early as possible, love." Aoi stayed silent after that until a yawn escaped his lips and he attempted snuggling closer, the upper half of his body almost entirely in Nao's lap. The younger man had to smile at that. Aoi may have quite the temper, but he was as affectionate and docile as a kitten when you were on his good side. Not that Nao had ever had the displeasure of being on his bad side, though. He'd only seen it directed at Aoi's bandmates from time to time when he'd drop in unexpectedly at their practice. But even then Aoi would look sheepish for his actions the moment Nao got there. His bandmates first thought it annoying, but once they realized that if Nao was there Aoi wouldn't yell at them, they rather liked his unexpected visits.

Aoi said nothing more for a few moments, content to fall back asleep in the position he was in, even if it was straining his lower back that remained twisted in the sheets. "What time is it, Nao-kun?" He mumbled, mouth pressed into the drummer's stomach as he spoke and making Nao giggle at the tickling sensation.

"About time for you to get up." He chuckled, still brushing through the long strands of Aoi's hair.

The guitarist grunted slightly in reply to that, Nao figuring he must have been pouting somewhat against his stomach. "Sorry, sweetheart." He apologized with a smile, bending down to press a soft kiss to the side of Aoi's head. "Its about two 'o' clock in the afternoon."

Aoi nodded at that and finally relinquished his hold on Nao to sit up in the bed, wiping the tiredness out from his eyes. "Guess I should be getting up then. Thank god there's no practice today." He spoke absently, more to himself than to Nao. The drummer smiled at that and leaned in to kiss Aoi gently on his lips. The black-haired man wasn't adverse to this at all because just as he felt Nao's lips against his, he kissed back softly.

Their lips moved against one another for a few moments before Nao was pulling back. "I made coffee if you want some. I don't know how warm it'll be, though. I made it before I left earlier." Aoi smiled at him and nodded, eyes half-lidded still in sleep.

"I need a shower first." He replied, yawning for the second time.

The drummer pecked his lips after Aoi finished yawning, a small gleam of mischief in his eyes. "Mind if I join you?" That gleam did not go unnoticed by Aoi, so he smirked in return and nodded.

"Who am I to deny you?" He questioned teasingly, pulling himself from the bed to head for the bathroom, his body dressed in nothing more than a tank top and boxers.

Nao appreciated the sway to his step that Aoi had, for it let him know the guitarist was thinking the exact same thing he was. "I'll be there in just a minute. Need to grab something." He then spoke up, watching as Aoi nodded before disappearing into the bathroom, yet leaving the door slightly cracked for Nao.

The drummer sat there on the bed a moment in silence before he was up and walking to the living room and his bag of stuff he had gotten today while out with Shou. He hadn't thought he'd get to use one particular thing he had bought until tonight, but the sooner the better, he guessed.

He fished through the bag a moment until he came across a small plastic box. Opening the box, he pulled one of the small packages out before setting the rest of the box back in the bag. A small grin was on his lips as he brought the item back with him to the shower, setting it on the counter when he realized Aoi was already under the warm spray.

Quickly stripping himself of his clothes, Nao grabbed the item once more and slipped into the shower, his eyes sweeping almost immediately over his lover's sleek form drenched with water.

Aoi had heard the rustling of the shower curtain when Nao had stepped in, despite his eyes having been closed. The moment arms wrapped around his torso he turned and opened his eyes, a small smile on his lips as Nao leaned forward and kissed him lovingly.

"Took you long enough." The guitarist pouted once they pulled away from each other. Nao nuzzled his nose to Aoi's for a moment before chuckling.

"Impatient much?" He inquired in reply, setting the item on the side of the tub.

Aoi's eyes followed his movement and looked curiously at the aforementioned item. "Love, do we really need that? We're fine without it. Its not as if-" Nao placed a finger over his lover's lips to silence his protests.

"Love, this is special. You'll see." The drummer replied, a small smirk resting on his lips now.

The guitarist furrowed his brows at this, giving Nao a disbelieving look. "A condom is special?" Nao's smirk grew and he nodded. Aoi wanted to ask why that was, but before he could, Nao had kissed him again, pressing his body so deliciously against Aoi's own as he backed him against the shower wall. The drummer could feel Aoi's piercing digging into the soft skin of his bottom lip, but he didn't mind. It was a stark contrast to the nature of the kiss and had pleasure shooting straight to his groin.

Aoi whimpered softly as their cocks brushed against one another, his arms wrapping around Nao's torso to keep them close as he bucked his hips forward. When Nao felt Aoi's neediness, he broke their kiss and started trailing little kisses down his lover's neck, hands coming to rest on the slender guitarist's hips. Hips that Nao knew were exceptionally talented.

A breathy moan left Aoi's pierced lips, his length hardening at the ministrations he was being succumbed to. "Nao-kun..." He moaned, feeling an experienced hand grab ahold of his member and begin to pump it to full arousal. "Nn..." Nao nipped particularly hard at the sensitive skin at the base of Aoi's neck, making a few more noises escape his lover's mouth that was now parted against the intense sensations rushing through his veins.

Nao's hand increased its pace, making Aoi completely hard within minutes. The guitarist's body squirmed between Nao's and the wall, bucking fervently into Nao's hand as his hands came to rest in Nao's hair. The drummer could feel his own length at full erection now, the thought making him moan just slightly against the skin of Aoi's naked chest.

The drummer's mouth trailed around Aoi's chest-leaving small love bites in its wake-until it met with one of his nipples. Within seconds he was laving the nub of flesh with attention, licking and sucking it. It made Aoi writhe under him further, his thrusting becoming erratic as his pleasure heightened.

"Nao-kun~" He whined, eyes clenching shut as Nao's teeth closed over his nipple, nipping it just slightly before pulling away to give the other the same treatment.

Nao smirked at the sound of the other man's voice. All of a sudden he stopped what he was doing and pulled back just enough to reach for the condom. Aoi whimpered at the loss-his fingers slipping from Nao's hair as the drummer pulled away-but opened his eyes to watch Nao open the packaging and roll the latex over his length. "Should I turn around?" Aoi questioned a second later, his voice breathy and all too transparent of what he wanted.

The drummer shook his head at that once the condom was securely on his cock. "No, I want you to..." He trailed off, feeling a bit embarrassed for what he was about to instruct his lover to do.

Aoi seemed to get the hint, though, so with a smirk he reached up to his lips. "One minute. Let me get this thing out since it might tear the condom." He was, of course, referring to his spiked lip piercing. Nao frowned a bit at that, but nodded. He understood that it would more than likely tear it.

It didn't take Aoi long to get his lip piercing out and set it on the side of the tub, but when he did he shifted Nao around to where he was the one against the wall, and knelt down in front of him. The drummer smirked slightly as he wondered what his lover's reaction to the condom was going to be.

Aoi moaned for effect as he placed his mouth over Nao's length, the taste of latex and something else assaulting his senses. It took a few sucks for him to figure out what it was and when that happened his eyes shot open and he looked up at Nao with an expression that clearly showed his surprise.

Nao laughed a bit at Aoi's reaction, despite the fact that he was having a hard time-no pun intended-controlling himself with Aoi's talented mouth on the most sensitive part of his body. "I couldn't resist, Aoi-kun, though I was just as shocked as you that they even exist." He replied to the unspoken question, making sure to keep from whimpering when Aoi pulled back to speak.

"I cannot believe that." He murmured softly, looking at his lover's erection. He licked a careful trail from the base to the tip, reveling in the sound Nao made in response. "Coffee-flavored condoms...A coffee addict had to think of it." Nao's fisted clenched at his sides and he nodded, wanting to tell Aoi to quit with the tentative movements and just suck him already, but he didn't. Though that may have been because he didn't get the chance to when Aoi engulfed his length in his mouth once more.

The guitarist used one hand to hold the base of Nao's erection while the other descended between his own legs to rub himself as he gave Nao pleasure. His tongue traced the long vein on the underside of it as he moaned ever so softly, the vibration sending waves of pleasure through Nao's body.

"Aoi-kun..." Nao breathed, Aoi's eyes clenching shut against the sound of his name on those lips in such a way. His hand increased its pace on his own length as he sucked the head of Nao's cock into his talented mouth, tongue swirling around it. That's when he realized a problem.

Scrunching his nose up a bit in dislike, he pulled back, eyeing his lover's length a moment and getting an odd look from Nao above him. His hand stilled in its movements over his own cock and with the use of both hands he pulled the condom from Nao's length and tossed it out of the shower. With a grin he looked back up at Nao. "I love the taste of coffee, but I love the taste of you even more." He didn't give Nao a chance to respond before he was wrapping his lips around Nao's length once more, tongue dancing along the slit to gather the pre-cum that was leaking out.

The drummer threw his head back to connect with the slippery wall of the shower, only now feeling the spray of the water that had recently become cold. He hissed a bit in dislike, but when Aoi moaned around his length he forgot about it, his hips thrusting forward of their own accord. Both of his hands fisted loosely in Aoi's hair now, the wet, black strands slipping so perfectly between his fingers. "Aoi...Aoi I'm close..." He managed to speak somehow.

When he heard that, Aoi sucked even harder, pushing his mouth forward on his lover's cock until it was bumping the back of his throat. His gag reflex reacted to the intrusion rather quickly, it massaging Nao's length so deliciously the drummer couldn't help but come. His hot seed spilled down Aoi's throat, the guitarist struggling to swallow it without choking.

Nao moaned out his pleasure, hands stilling in Aoi's hair as his mouth repeated Aoi's name over and over in the aftermath. The guitarist gave a few licks to Nao's softening cock before he pulled back, hand rubbing his own length faster in search of orgasm. Nao noticed this instantly and knelt down in front of his lover, pushing Aoi’s hand away to replace it quickly with his own. Aoi moaned loudly in response and pressed his forehead into Nao's shoulder, his hands holding now to the drummer's powerful arms. "Nao-kun...dear god...don't stop..." Aoi moaned desperately, eyes falling shut as pleasure washed through him. He was close.

It took only a couple more minutes of Nao rubbing him for him to come. He bit into Nao's shoulder to muffle his scream, the pain of the bite making Nao wince a bit. The white fluid erupted onto Nao’s fingers, dripping down them and into the flowing water beneath them.

Aoi eventually stopped biting, pulling away to give Nao a very apologetic look. The drummer didn't allow that look to stay on his lover's features for long, though, as he kissed Aoi deeply, wrapping his arms around the guitarist to pull him close. Aoi put his arms around Nao's neck in return, his breathing still uneven in the afterglow. Not that Nao's was much better.

"I love you." Aoi murmured softly, his cheek pressed softly into the crook of Nao's shoulder. "You and your coffee addiction."

"Love you too." Nao chuckled, kissing Aoi's other cheek. "Yours isn't much different than mine, by the way." He moved to sit down on the shower floor, pulling his lover's form on top of him. Neither of them minded the cold water pouring down on them as they sat there in post-coital bliss.

Aoi snuggled in close to Nao, a smile painting his lips. "No, you're right."

There was silence after that, the two just enjoying each other's company, before a thought occurred to Aoi. "I wonder..." Nao furrowed his brows, casting a look down at the guitarist. "Wonder what?"

Aoi grinned. "If they have coffee-flavored or scented lube." Nao just laughed at the absurdity of the statement and kissed his lover's forehead gently.

"And you call me the coffee addict."

nao, aoi, alice nine, gazette

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