Of Wolf and Man - Chapter 1 - PG-13

Jan 20, 2010 12:18

Title: Of Wolf and Man
Author: Kavikalphawolf
Beta: k_laker
Band/Pairing: None yet. (Will be ones in later chapters)
Chapter: 1/?
Rating: PG-13 (For this chapter)
Genre: Fantasy/Romance/Action
Warnings: None yet.
Disclaimer: Do not own these guys.
Summary: All Hiroto had ever known were the sights and sounds of his native lands, of the wild open that was his forest home. That was where he had been born, where he had been raised, and where he knew he belonged. However, when there came change in his lands, he did not flee from it like the rest of his pack, nor did he become aggressive, attacking the source of change like some. No, his curiosity would win over his heart and he would be compelled to seek it out, to try and understand it, and by doing so Hiroto will get more than he had ever bargained for.
Comment(s): Honestly, I don't know where this came from, or where it's going, but I really love it, so I hope you do as well. ^_^ At first I was a little hesitant, but after getting positive reviews from my beta and a couple other of my friends, I decided that I might as well post it and see what happens.

The sounds of the forest were all that Hiroto could hear as he padded through the heavily wooded area. His paws, as muddy and wet as the Earth around him, pushed him onwards, his curiosity sparked by the scents of a previously abandoned place deep in his father's territory. Even as the rain pelted him from above and soaked his grey-brown fur, he continued onwards, the only one of his small group of friends and littermates with enough courage--and perhaps stupidity--to go searching for something more than likely dangerous to his kind.

At the age of a juvenile, Hiroto was already bigger than your average wolf, but only in height. His body was still disproportionate with his long legs and slender frame, large ears and paws. It was easy to see that in wolf years he wasn't even yet two years of age, if less than half, even when in truth he was about a year and a half--the equivalent of around sixteen years of age in human terms.

His eyes were even still baby blue, having as of yet not even begun the transition into the pure molten gold of his parents and other packmates. In most cases it was pretty unusual--at least in normal wolves--but as shapeshifters their bodies did develop slightly slower, Hiroto's even slower than all his littermates. Not that it was much of a problem. They'd change eventually.

"So, this is where Shou said he heard the gunshot..."

Hiroto's mouth spoke without moving, the idea a form of telepathy his kind had in this form. Though it was probably better they stay in his mind for if anyone heard him, knew of what he was, his family would murder him without second thought. It was a strange, traditional idea that had developed and been set in place long before even his great grandparents had been thought of. Before their parents had even been together, or even having known one another.

"Hmm... it doesn't smell like any animals have been killed here..." Pausing in his step, Hiroto's nostrils twitched and moved, tasting the air around him with his acute sense of smell that went even farther beyond a normal wolf's range of senses. "It smells more like a human was killed here..."

Hiroto shook his massive head, sending water droplets flying off and around him, though more rain continued to fall from the heavens onto him.

"He could have picked a better day..." Grumbling, Hiroto started off again, following the faint stench of human blood that lingered here. It was a very unpleasant aroma, but it did further arouse Hiroto's curiosity. Never before had he heard a thing about humans turning their weapons on one another. Any that he had seen in his sheltered life had always aimed their guns elsewhere, at animals or nothing at all. Never another person.

Those large paws of his carried him farther than he knew he should go, because he had been warned about the human establishment that lay way out here. In his pack they had told tales of humans that used to come here, and the fear that had been induced in them carried through their genes to their young. Though, those intelligences seemed to skip Hiroto for whatever reason.

"No way..." The farther he ran the stronger the scent of humans and of human blood there was. He didn't understand. This building was abandoned, wasn't it?

Suddenly Hiroto was met with a very much inhabited old building. He skidded to a halt and stuck his head out, sniffing the air further, already seeing some people here and there. A few people were rushing to get under the cover of the crumbled roofing of the building, others were standing at the entrance, stock still with weapons in their hands. They didn't even seem fazed by the weather. Hiroto knew that posture from the guards in his own pack, the ones who watched the territory walls. These people were protecting their family like a pack of wolves.

Hiroto began to feel a little kinship with them, finding the similarity a little comforting. His fear drained little by little as he watched them, and with it, his paws carried him closer and closer.

Soon he was in their line of vision, startling one of them. Hiroto paused the moment they started to move, warily watching the weapons in their hands. But they didn't seem threatening. Only as surprised to see him as he was to see them. Taking more comfort in that knowledge, Hiroto perked his large, rounded ears, listening to what they would say about him. Humans spoke their language, if only because his kind were shapeshifters.

"I've never seen one come this close before." One murmured to the other, his brown eyes focused on Hiroto. "They usually just stay in the woods... Come here, boy..." He coaxed, lips quirking into a sort of half smile, trying to reassure Hiroto of his friendliness.

"Careful, he might have rabies." The other commented, watching Hiroto as well, though with about as much wariness as Hiroto felt towards them.

Are they afraid of me? Hiroto thought to himself, taking a couple hesitant steps forward, paws sinking into the Earth and leaving large prints behind.

The first man shook his head and continued to call to Hiroto, hand outstretched as if wanting to touch him. "Nah, he's just curious. The clan hasn't been here in years and he's just a young fella. Probably doesn't know what we are." Then he paused, words aimed again at Hiroto's unsure form. "C'mere boy, it's alright. We won't hurt'cha."

"He sure is a large one, isn't he?" Again the second man piped in and Hiroto's attention turned on him. "I can't imagine how large he'll be once he's fully grown."

Shrugging, the first man straightened back up, figuring Hiroto wasn't going to come closer. "Maybe we'll see him again when he's fully grown. I don't know how long the boss wants us to stay here."

The rest of their chatter was of no interest to Hiroto and he kept walking, easing around the men and entering the grounds with no problems whatsoever. Evidently they weren't as afraid of him as he had first thought. Now they simply ignored him.

"Rude." Hiroto mumbled, stalking around the corner of the building and following that stink of human blood that now wafted up into his nose. The source was definitely around here somewhere, and as he went to the back of the building it became stronger than he had ever smelled before. The skin above his nose crinkled with dislike and his puppy blue eyes squinted. The blood was tainted with something else, something that was inducing a wave of fear in his body. A fear that he wholly ignored just like everything else.

His steps became slower the closer he came and he believed he finally found the source. An old wooden door that was cracked and worn down by time and the weather leaned against the opposite wall, holding back the majority of the strong smell, but as he sniffed the area it didn't cover, sticking his nose inside, he could tell it was coming from inside.

Just as he was thinking of a way to get in, something startled him and he jerked his muzzle to the side to see what it was. Apparently that push his nose provided through the jerking movement was all it took to swing open the door, making it hit the other wall with a dull thud. When that happened Hiroto was met with an odor so strong that he could hardly stand it. But still, he pressed onwards, into the darkness of what lay beyond, his eyes trying to make sense of everything in the dull light.

The sound of the rain on the roof above him was a new experience to him. He was used to hearing it on the top of the stone den he slept in, but not a roof like the one this building had. He found he rather liked the pitter patter it made.

"I wonder if anyone's in here..." He kept his voice low, but it seemed to resonate in these walls, sending a chill down his spine. Humans are so odd.

As he furthered down the rusty old hallway, he started hearing another odd sound. This time it seemed like something alive was making it. Not the building in which he was walking. It was raspy, harsh, and a lot like his grandfather after running during a hunt. Huffing and puffing... Did humans pant? Hiroto found himself wondering that as he got closer and closer to the sound--as well as to the source of the blood scent. Hello?

A sudden move to his left startled Hiroto and he instinctively bared his teeth, growling, turning himself towards whatever had made the movement. Then came a gasp from the source, and Hiroto's eyes widened.

There was a human, injured, back against the wall behind him. His wrists had some kind of metal around them, attached to chains that weaved and connected to the floor below. Upon further inspection they were around his ankles as well. The person was caged in iron bars, fear rolling off him in waves, tears descending down his cheeks. He was in a deplorable state, and Hiroto wanted to know why. Why did humans do things like that to their own kind?

Hiding his teeth again, Hiroto swiveled his head around, looking further down the hallway. There were more humans in cages. Not all were chained like this man was, but a lot of them were bleeding. Hiroto could smell it. What in the world...?

"Oh great, now they're sending animals to scare us." One commented, Hiroto hearing him growl awkwardly under his breath. Or it sounded awkward to him anyhow. "Did they think this wasn't enough?"

"Hush, Tora. Maybe it wandered in here alone."

Curious, Hiroto looked towards the one who had spoken second. He was a lot more calm than the agitated man in the cage to his right, even if Hiroto would scent he was bleeding even more than the one known as Tora was.

"You know better than to think that, Saga." Tora all but snarled, turning Hiroto's curiosity back on him. "What in the hell kind of animal that size would willingly come into a human facility like this one?"

"A wolf apparently. See, it's not growling anymore." Saga replied softly, and Hiroto watched him crawl to the edge of his cage, extending his hand outside of it, towards Hiroto's curious form. His posture was soft, yet tired and unbelievably worn out. How badly was he injured?

Deciding to humor this man, Hiroto started closer, sniffing the air, watching him warily just as he had the guards on the outside of the building.

"Don't come crying to me when he snaps off your hand." Tora muttered, though Hiroto could tell he was worried and fearful. The scent came off of him less than the man in chains, but it was still there. He wasn't as tough as he liked to seem.

Saga said no more, his eyes and attention on Hiroto who was walking towards him slowly. Timidly, Hiroto sniffed the outstretched hand and he was surprised to find the human had no fear of him, unlike Tora. Maybe it lay in how injured and close to death he was, or maybe he just didn't fear Hiroto's kind.

"There now... see Tora?" Saga's hand came up and rubbed the area between his large ears, causing a rather delightful feeling that Hiroto was hard-pressed to pull away from. His tail wagged a little, the appendage hung between his hind legs a little nervously. "He's friendly... I wonder if he might help us."

"Now you've lost it."

Tora's biting comment didn't faze Saga and he merely looked elsewhere, never stopping the petting for a moment. "The keys are over there, boy. Can you get them?"

Keys? Hiroto turned his head and looked where Saga was. There on the wall hung pieces of metal fastened with a metal ring. Why do they want those? Nevertheless Hiroto looked back to Saga for affirmation and saw a smile on his thin lips, as if urging him on. ....Well, alright then...

Hiroto started for the section of wall on which the keys were, and he could hear Saga's quiet gasp of surprise behind him and his utterance of "He understood me..."

After a moment of consideration, Hiroto reared up on his back legs and eyed the ring of keys with confusion. How was he meant to get them off the wall? Even as he wondered this he nosed the keys again and again, seeing how they moved as he pushed at them. Is this how? Within a couple of minutes he finally nudged them hard enough and they came loose, toppling to the floor with a loud sound, spooking Hiroto for a moment until he realized they had been the cause of it.

"Bring them here, boy..." Saga coaxed softly, and Hiroto looked up, seeing his outstretched hand as well as his look of surprise.

This he knew how to do, even if the item was unfamiliar to him. Picking up a part of the keys in his maw, he carried them over and placed them in Saga's hand, noting the anticipation that appeared to well up in this man's body. It made Hiroto feel a little better, knowing he was helping someone, if not everyone in here.

Saga said no more once he had the keys in his grasp. Instead Hiroto saw him hand them over to Tora, who stood and unlocked his own cell, evidently not very injured. Then he came around and undid Saga's cage, the door swinging open and almost catching Hiroto in the process, making him jump out of the way and bare his teeth in surprise.

"Easy now..." Saga murmured to him, his voice pained as he tried to stand, using the bars of his previous imprisonment to hold him upright. "You've been a big help....We'll reward you... when we get out of here..."

It didn't take long before everyone was freed from their cages, and soon Hiroto was surrounded with humans, both injured and not. All were fearful, now even Saga as they appeared to look around for an exit. None of them knew this place, Hiroto was certain, so again he sought to help them by bounding ahead, towards where he had come from.

There was something about these humans that made him feel compelled to help, unafraid of what they might do to him. He trusted them, and they trusted him. They needed him.

"Follow the wolf." Saga uttered, struggling to walk, now using Tora as a crutch. If Hiroto didn't know better he believed that man was their leader.

Whether he was or not, they followed his order and as Hiroto led the way, they filed in after him. Soon enough they reached where he had came in at, the light pouring in through the open door, same as the rain blown in by the strong winds that had picked up. Hiroto passed into the light without a second thought, but the humans obviously were a little more fearful, so he stopped and looked back curiously, waiting for them.

"Boy, are there any other people around?"

Tora's voice carried out to Hiroto, and the juvenile turned his head this way and that, sure he saw no one else around them. When he was positive of it, he turned back to the group and stared straight at them with his pale blue eyes.

That must have been the hint they were looking for as they exited the building one by one, except in the case of Tora and Saga. That was when Hiroto was able to see the extent of Saga's injuries. His entire torso was covered in blood and there were numerous cuts on his face and neck, arms and legs. His shirt and pants were torn to show off these cuts, some deep, others not. Other than the cuts one of his legs looked like it was twisted, dragging behind him as he struggled to walk with the other. Hiroto started to wonder exactly what had happened to this pack of humans.

Once they were all outside, Hiroto began to lead the way again, not realizing that the men wished to avoid all contact with other people. He led them straight to the guards.

"Hey! The captives are escaping!" One called, racing towards them with his gun aimed at the lot of them.

Hiroto didn't understand. The other men panicked and ran the other direction, Tora trying his best to support Saga as they ran. The young wolf watched as they darted this way and that, Saga's weight hard on Tora's already injured form. It was like an awkward sort of dance that Hiroto could only watch curiously until the guards raced past him after the group of men and Hiroto heard a very noble shout from Saga.

"Leave me here!" The slender brunette ordered of Tora and the others who had wanted to hang back and help.

"I can't, Saga!" Tora protested, his body buckling under the weight of his friend, toppling to the mud in an undignified heap.

"Yes you can!" Saga cried out, watching the guards drawing closer and closer. Despite his own obvious pain, Hiroto saw him push Tora off and away from him to the best of his ability. "That's an order, Tora!"



Tora paused for only a moment more before he was up and running off, obviously not wanting to leave Saga behind, but knowing that he had to.

The slender man watched him go before he turned defiant eyes on the guards. As they raised their guns, Hiroto knew he had to do something. He couldn't just stand by and watch this man be murdered. Too many animals had suffered at the mercy of that weapon, and Hiroto knew better than to think humans were invincible to their own inventions.

Snarling, he raced at them, his feet carrying him farther faster, just barely managing to put himself in between them and Saga before he launched himself straight for them, teeth bared. The guards were too startled to do much. Hiroto managed to take one's gun from him, crushing the metal between his powerful jaws and sending it to the earth below. Then he turned angry eyes on the second and as the gunshots resounded, slipping past his head, he opened his maw and latched onto the man's wrist, causing him to drop his weapon. Teeth slashed skin, causing blood to pour from the open wounds, and Hiroto only managed to see the other run out of the corner of his eye.

"Let go!" Hiroto heard the fear in his voice and indeed let go, sending the man racing after his companion. When it was over, Hiroto looked back at Saga, seeing the shock on his face.

"Are you okay?" Hiroto asked without thinking, causing Saga to gasp in surprise.

"Y-you can talk!"

Crap.... Hiroto whined a little outwardly, trying to make it seem like Saga was fooled into thinking he had spoken. Unfortunately Saga wasn't that far gone in the head.

"Don't whine at me! I heard you!" Saga shouted, looking directly at Hiroto and seeing just how eagerly the young wolf wanted to run. His tail was tucked and head ducked down a little, unsure if he should speak again or not.

"Fine, you heard me, but be quiet. No one can find out. And I mean no one." Hiroto replied softly before he heard other peoples' shouts behind him. "I don't know why you guys are running from your own kind when you share the same territory, but come on. I'll help you." Nudging Saga's arm, Hiroto helped the stunned man to his feet, letting himself be used as a crutch as he walked Saga to the edge of the woods and beyond. His pace was steady because he knew he could defend this human if need be.

"Why are you helping us?" Saga's confusion and slight fear was palpable, and Hiroto wondered why he was scared now of all times.

"I don't know."

of wolf and man hiroto saga tora alice n

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