Promise of Another Day - NC-17 - Shou/Saga - Threeshot 3/3

May 02, 2009 21:47

Title: Promise of Another Day
Author: Kavikalphawolf
Beta: None
Band/Pairing: Shou/Saga [alice nine.]
Chapter: 3/3
Prompt: [12] It's like speaking a foreign language (For tragic_ennui)
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Fluff/Romance
Warnings: Manxman smex
Disclaimer: Do not own these guys.
Summary: Shou never would have guessed that a simple walk on a bright summer day would change the course of his future forever.
Comment(s): Very proud of this one except for the ending because it was quite a bit rushed to get it in for this prompt. XD; Hope you like it anyway. Also, these three chapters are all being posted together so it's not a true chapter fic. More like a oneshot in three parts.

When dinner was finished and all the plates washed and put away, Shou took Saga's supple hand in his and led him to the comfortable couch where he had already fluffed the pillows and placed a silky-smooth cover over the back for the two of them to use for warmth should they get cold.

Shou let Saga get seated and content before he let go of his hand and reached for the remotes that rested on the coffee table just in front of them.

"I hope you like this movie and haven't seen it yet. I made sure to get a newer one." It was an idle comment as Shou sat down beside Saga and turned on the TV with one remote and the DVD player with the other. He shifted both remotes to one hand and snaked that newly free arm around his beloved's waist, drawing the perfect man to his side and giving him room to lean on him. It wasn't long before Saga did just that; his head laying against the softness of Shou's shirt at the shoulder and hands resting gently on the older man's clothed thigh.

The movie finally started to play minutes later after Shou had clicked on the little button on the DVD menu, so Shou set both remotes aside and laid his head against Saga's, free hand covering both of Saga's on his thigh.

It was a romantic comedy that Shou found appropriate for the date. If Saga had seen it yet, he said nothing, leaving Shou to believe it was just as new to his love as it was to Shou himself.

There was silence between them as the movie plot progressed and they were introduced to the characters, their lives, friends, and so on. Aside from the occasional comment, of course. There were points in the movie that they laughed, and some that left them feeling rather somber, but nothing affected them more than a quaint little sex scene hidden towards the end of the movie and not told about on the back of the case.

Shou was the first to squirm a little and he felt guilty about that, but soon enough Saga seemed to be feeling the same. He started to squirm as well, but rather than just deal with it himself as Shou was doing his best to do, Saga decided to deal with it by doing as he pleased.

Out of the corner of his eye, Shou watched Saga turn eyes on him, those delicate brown orbs swirling with mixed emotions; probably hesitance and sexual need. Then came the first sign that Saga was willing, and planned to, go further. He leaned up just a tad and let his lips brush over the creamy skin of Shou's left cheek. Shou made a soft noise in response and looked over at the angelic man pressed so perfectly against his side.

"Saga..." A mere whisper, and it instigated more than Shou could have ever imagined.

Saga took the sound as a good sign for his eyes darkened in apparent lust and he leaned forward more, his lips seeking Shou's own and within seconds had caught it in a passionate, needy kiss full of emotions the two had locked away for most of this past month for whatever reason each of them chose.

Shou returned the kiss full force, letting his lips slide against Saga's hotly and allowing himself the pleasure of feeling Saga's warm breath on his face.

It was a kiss never meant to last, and it didn't. Soon Shou was moving his lips down to Saga's firm jawline, planting kisses and nibbles there to elicit pleasure in his partner. Saga arched to the feeling, bending his head back to allow Shou the room he needed to continue. It was so arousing, so fulfilling to see Saga act like this mere because of his touch, his kiss, just him.

Saga let himself fall back to rest on the length of the couch, legs spread just enough for Shou to fit between them. The older man took the invitation without thought and settled himself between those slender, gently-framed legs that he adored so much. Once content, he felt Saga reach up and thread his fingers softly through Shou's locks of hair, eyes half-lidded with need as he caught Shou's gaze. "More..."

That was all that needed to be said. Shou was on Saga in a matter of milliseconds, kissing him fiercely and letting their tongues battle for dominance. It was a no-brainer that Shou would win, but Saga didn't give up control as easily as Shou would have believed he might.

Shou's teeth attacked Saga's lower lip when they parted for air, sharply biting down, but nothing harder than would result in a mild sting. Regardless, it made Saga gasp, spurring Shou to start his kisses again. First on the delectable creature's neck and then further down.

Shou unbuttoned the shirt bit by bit as he descended until it was nothing more than hanging off of Saga's beautiful arms. The younger soon shed it, leaving Shou to a view that would have given him a nosebleed had he seen it in any other context than he was right in this instant. Saga's chest was lean with just a bare hint of muscle showing, and ribs that pressed up against his skin as he laid down where he was. Most would have believed that might have made him look odd, like a skeleton and undesirable, but Shou would have never even began to think such a thing of his perfect love. Saga was the epitome of beauty, inside and out, and nothing in the world could ever change that in Shou's eyes.

Fingers traced the soft planes of Saga's upper chest, only drifting down when Saga arched his back, eyes a glow with want and urgency. The deft fingers then caught on to one of Saga's pert nipples, making him moan and triggering one of Shou's own.

He's sensitive there.

The discovery sent a wave of arousal down through Shou's body and that's when he took the time to rub his other hand over Saga's side, feeling him and caressing him ever so gently. To Shou, Saga's body was like a foreign language and he was just learning how to speak it.

Lips fell to the very same nipple, suckling on it and then biting down rather hard. Saga's lips parted in an audible gasp, then a long moan as he gripped hard to the strands of Shou's hair. It was all so perfect.


Both of them were so eager to continue, yet so desperately wanting to go slow that this encounter was a conundrum in itself. There was one thing they knew they wanted in this instant, however, and that was to continue this somewhere else other than the couch.

"I already prepared the bedroom..." Shou breathed out, panting from his kissing and nipping. Saga nodded without thought and got off the couch, taking Shou's hand in his and leading the two of them from the living room to the bedroom. It took a moment to find, but once Saga had there was little more than a few moments before both were laying on the sheets of the bed, kissing just as frantically as they had before.

Shou's body hovered above Saga's, as if to shield him from the world around them. His hands explored all over Saga's prone form and didn't even ask before starting to unbutton and unzip his pants. Not that Saga was about to protest. He merely moaned and bucked upwards slightly, asking for touch.

Shou may not have known as much about Saga sexually as he had known him otherwise, but that sign to begin touching his arousal was almost universal and no difference among most. His hand moved and pressed to the bulge that was protruding from the open fly, only hidden by black silken boxers.

The change in Saga was almost immediate. His fair skin flushed a light pink and he moaned shamelessly into the bedroom. Hands gripped to the sheets below him and his hips wriggled, torn between bucking to ask for more and pressing down to escape from getting too hard too quickly. "Shou...Nn..."

Saga's voice was deliciously breathy as he spoke and it made Shou feel his need more acutely than he already had been. His love moving so sensually below him produced in him a craving he couldn't deny. He needed to be inside Saga and soon.

"Saga...Love...I need...I need to be in you..." Shou forced out, stopping his hand motions, if only to allow Saga the coherency of mind to respond without being hindered.

Panting, all Saga could find in him to do was nod. His eyes caught Shou's and he spread his legs a little more, letting Shou see the blatant encouragement to do as he pleased. It also served to let Shou know this wasn't his first time and as such he needn't worry about hurting him so much.

Shou slid off Saga's pants, then his boxers, exposing everything that Saga had to offer. The blush on Saga's body darkened, but Shou paid it little mind as he took in the entirety of the scene before him. The man he had for a month admired and coveted was now on his bed, naked and needy just for him. Legs were spread and expressing a certain trust that only lovers of this level would know about. Shou would never think to betray such a close bond of trust.

"You have no idea how beautiful you look right now..."

Shou watched Saga's eyes move to his, and much to the older man's surprise there was quite a bit of insecurity there. There was his perfect being looking more stunning than ever before, and yet those eyes... they were so heartbreakingly unsure that Shou just had to stop, if only for a moment.

"Saga...What's wrong?" He questioned softly, a hand reaching forward to brush back some of Saga's bangs. Those very same fingers then drifted to one of those delicate eyes and traced the area to the side of it. "Why do you look at me like that?"

To his dismay those eyes only became more insecure, even as one of Saga's hands came to grip his own, just barely holding it as he laid there, pliant under Shou's still-clothed form. "You really mean that?"

Shou nodded without thought, staring down into Saga's eyes with such love and adoration, and hope that he might be thought of as truthful. "You're the most beautiful creature I've ever seen and I mean that... I've thought that since the first day I saw you. I promise."

Those eyes, oh how they lit up with the utterance of those very words. Saga did believe him. It had just taken a bit of reassurance, that's all.

"Thank you."

Shou knew Saga was okay to continue again by saying such a thing, so he was quick to undress himself afterwards, leaving himself to the scrutiny of the bewitching man underneath him as he reached in the top drawer of his nightstand for the lube and one of the condoms he always kept there. Saga watched him the entire time, a little smile on his lips because he knew what was coming next.

Soon fingers were coated in the cool lube and Shou was inserting one, two fingers inside of his lover's tight and hot body, stretching him and preparing him as Saga arched, moaning and hissing out both his pleasure and the slight pain that came with it. His hands twisted in the sheets once more until it looked like he was about to rip them. That's when Shou knew it was okay to go further than prepping him.

His fingers slipped easily out of Saga's entrance and went to rip open the condom packaging. He took the latex sheath and rolled it over his hardened cock, making sure it was secure before rubbing lube over it. Saga kept watching him, eager for this just as much as Shou was.

The alluring man parted his legs wider when Shou moved to settle between them again, his length bumping Saga's entrance enticingly.

"Fill me, Shou... I need to feel you inside of me..."

Shou moaned low and looked up, meeting Saga's gaze as he gently took hold of those slender, fine hips of his lover's and started to thrust inside. The heat and tightness was almost indescribable, making Shou gasp, his grip faltering as he fought the primal need to move quickly. Saga had uttered a small whimper when he'd first breached his entrance, so he knew he had to adjust, and that's what kept him grounded, unmoving.

His head rested on Saga's shoulder, moans leaving his lips in regular intervals as Saga's hot body clenched around him in trying to get used to the intrusion of his thick length.

At least a minute ticked by before Saga was squirming under Shou again, begging him softly to start moving. Shou, all too happy to oblige, moved slowly at first; pulling out and then pressing in deep, loosening those stubborn muscles that threatened to cause his love pain.

"Saga...O-Oh god..."

"Shou, ahhn..."

Their moans filled the apartment as Shou started to speed up, Saga reacting almost immediately. His hands threaded in Shou's hair again and he threw his head back, sweaty hair clinging to his forehead and mouth parted in loud moans. Shou burrowed his face against Saga's neck and nibbled on the salty flesh, nails digging into those fine hips when Saga wrapped his long legs around his lower back.

It was inevitable that neither would last long, but Shou was determined to make it last as long as he could. His hips would speed up, only to reluctantly slow down every few thrusts. It alternated and as much as it was hated by Saga's body, his mind found it absolutely delicious and wonderful. Prolonging their first time together was what he had in mind as well, but the power wasn't in his hands. It was in Shou's and to know he felt the same was reassuring.

Time passed slowly for the two of them as they moved in that age-old dance, but yet it also appeared to speed up because soon enough Saga nor Shou could hold on much longer. The beautiful movements of their sensual bodies became jagged, interrupted by moments of pure need and as was predicted Shou eventually could no longer force himself to slow down.

"M-More, Shou...More..."

"So good...Ahh, love, you feel so good..."

Shou quickened his movements and forced himself deeper and deeper until Saga was all but screaming in pleasure underneath him, head tossed back in that very same way and nails now digging paths down Shou's back.

At that pace Saga was the first to cum, splattering his seed between the two of them with his entire body tensing and contracting in that pure sense of bliss. Shou came seconds later, thrusting hard one last time and then stilling deep inside Saga's body as he spilled into the condom.

It was the best sex that either of them had ever had and it left them breathless. Shou barely had the energy left to pull out and dispose of the condom before collapsing beside Saga's body on the bed, utterly exhausted.

Instantly Saga turned, cuddling against Shou's side and resting his head right near to Shou's, nuzzling against his neck. It was cute, adorable, and a million other adjectives of the same meaning, and Shou wouldn't have traded it for the world. "Hang on a second and let me get the cover..." Both moved around as Shou pulled the blankets over them, his expression content and satiated.

Saga snuggled into his side soon after that and heaved a great sigh of relief. It was relaxing and Shou loved it, wrapping his arms around the perfect man's body and holding him close.

"I love you, Sagacchi..."

Those words had never been spoken between them before. Shou had always been too nervous and he had guessed Saga had been just as nervous as he was. Still, there was no better time than now to say them, and much to his happiness Saga reciprocated them perfectly.

"I love you too, Shou-chi." A grin and Shou chuckled, nuzzling into Saga's cheek and pressing a soft kiss to the delectable skin.

Nothing else needed to be said. Both were content. Not only in the embrace and love of each other, but also in the promise that this meant they'd be together tomorrow. And the day after that, and so on. They were secure in those simple "I love you"s promising them another day together, and even perhaps a life together.

saga, alice nine, tragic_ennui, shou

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