Promise of Another Day - NC-17 - Shou/Saga - Threeshot 1/3

May 02, 2009 21:35

Title: Promise of Another Day
Author: Kavikalphawolf
Beta: None
Band/Pairing: Shou/Saga [alice nine.]
Chapter: 1/3
Prompt: [12] It's like speaking a foreign language (For tragic_ennui)
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Fluff/Romance
Warnings: Manxman smex
Disclaimer: Do not own these guys.
Summary: Shou never would have guessed that a simple walk on a bright summer day would change the course of his future forever.
Comment(s): Very proud of this one except for the ending because it was quite a bit rushed to get it in for this prompt. XD; Hope you like it anyway. Also, these three chapters are all being posted together so it's not a true chapter fic. More like a oneshot in three parts.

Summer was the perfect time of year for Shou. He didn't have to worry about those nasty colds that he was always dealing with during the winter, and he wasn't plagued by the allergies and sinus problems he dealt with yearly during the spring and fall. Summer was a gift; a blessing, just as it had always been ever since those daunting years as a child when summer meant no school.

"Such a beautiful day."

The sun was shining high above, warming the earth and everyone on it, yet it wasn't hot enough to send people scurrying inside to their air conditioners and fans. It was quite simply pleasant and that was the reason Shou chose to take a long walk through the spacious, unpopulated roads of the downtown.

Shou always took many of these walks during the summer when he wasn't working. Sometimes it was hard finding those days off from his job to enjoy these kinds of days, but today he was lucky. The fashion design company he worked for had just released their summer catalogue, which meant the end of a long line of work, and at least a week off for Shou and his other colleagues. Time he would spend well outside, and maybe take a day to visit family in Kyoto.

Smiling softly to himself, Shou slips on his sunglasses and nods at a few people that pass him on the street. Even though he was a fashion designer, Shou wasn't always fashion conscious of himself. He wore what he felt was comfortable, which had almost kept him from his job he had now.

Today he had chosen a pair of loose jeans that had one giant hole over each knee and various other, much smaller, holes elsewhere on the legs--mainly in the thigh area--and a rather nice, loose, yet form-fitting t-shirt that was faded from overuse and designed with a few of his favorite characters from an anime he loved watching. It was simple, casual, but he could pull it off. He always did.

The sounds of nature filled Shou's ears as most everyone was working on this fine Monday and there wasn't the hustle and bustle of cars and people rushing to their destinations. That's what prompted him to head to the park, a place he knew well and had always fancied.

Shoes hit the pavement softly and he enjoyed what nature was bringing him: the simple pleasures. It was all he felt he needed right now, until someone fell into his line of sight. Someone that changed his mind rather quickly about simple pleasures.

Brown eyes were wide behind the wire frames of his sunglasses as Shou watched what he believed to be the most beautiful person he'd ever seen apologize to some disgruntled nobody that Shou didn't care to know.

The person he was watching was absolutely gorgeous under his gaze, and quite frankly stopped Shou in his tracks, something that had never happened before.

A long, slender body with a well-framed face, about his height, and a delicately pale skin tone that very nearly made him shine in the sun. Shou almost thought he was staring at a surreal creature--the evidence that he wasn't laying merely in the interaction between that someone and the nobody.

In one beautiful hand the person held onto a leash, connecting him with a rather bored-looking canine who watched his master intently despite said boredom. The gentle way his smooth fingers curled around the fabric made Shou's heart flutter and made a desperate need to know this person spring into his mind. He was perfect. Shou wouldn't have doubted it not for a second.

"Gomen. I'll make sure he doesn't do it again."

Shou could only assume that his perfect being was speaking about the canine he had under his control, though of what he spoke of Shou hadn't a clue. Only that the nobody made a grunting noise in return and walked off, leaving the surreal creature to stare after them, a rather sour look plaguing his features.

This was only for the briefest of moments, Shou witnessed, because soon after the beautiful man sighed and looked down at the dog, kneeling a patting it on the head. He brushed the dogs ears down so tenderly as he showed it affection that it made Shou long for that touch himself, even though he didn't even know the name of the perfect man before him.

"It's not your fault, Chiko-chan. You just had to use the bathroom." Thin, yet plush lips spoke this, drawing Shou's attention to the frown in place on his delicate mouth. It didn't fit. A smile would have been so much nicer.

His feet were carrying him forward before he knew what was happening and soon he was standing before the one he had been admiring from afar, a wondering smile playing about on his own lips.

"Is everything okay?" Shou thought they were the right words and it appeared as though he had guessed right, for the angelic man gave him an affirming smile in return as he nodded and stood back to his feet.

He's even more gorgeous up close.

"Yes, just a little disagreement. Thanks for your concern."

Shou did his best to look away from how the enticing creature's lips formed each and every word as though they were said in just the right way, and at the right time, but he couldn't and for that he thanked the fact he was wearing sunglasses.

A little nod and Shou offered him yet another smile; this one more than a little inviting. "No problem." Shou paused, watching the way those expectant, silky brown eyes washed over him, seeming interested in him just the same as Shou was interested in the radiant being before him. "Kohara, Shou." An extended hand; an offer to get to know him better that Shou prayed his lovely creature would take.

"Sakamoto, Saga." Accepted within seconds, and Shou was gifted with the first touch of that velvety soft skin as Saga shook his hand with a rather light, yet firm, grip. He was confident, but not overly so, and Shou loved it.

"Would you like to take a walk with me?"

It was a bold proposal, but Shou was confident too, and it was made even more so when his offer was once again accepted. Saga nodded and soon both of them were walking side by side down the pathway into the park, the summer scenery engulfing them like a blanket.

"It's a beautiful day... I'm glad I had off for it." Anything to begin conversation.

It worked like a charm.

"Me too. I could never have stayed cooped up on a day like this." Saga's face was calm, very unlike the bitter expression he had worn for a few moments before. It allowed Shou time to take in and process each and every facial feature of his dazzling beauty.

He had high cheekbones that became accentuated everytime the slightest of smiles would grace his lips, and a cutely thin face that left the hard line of his jaw exposed. Small eyes sat atop those cheeks and were evenly spaced on each side of his rather beaked nose, no doubt making a perfect line across. His lips were thin, yet beautiful because they fit so perfectly upon his slender features, and it appeared as though his neck was just as slight, showing off the rather large adam's apple that bobbed when he swallowed or spoke. It was charming in a way, and almost rather unique to this stunning man.

"What field do you work in?" Shou was curious, because his mind instantly thought Saga might be a model of some kind. Or a stripper. Maybe he was just being hopeful.

Saga took a glance at his dog as it raised its leg and peed, before deciding to answer the question. "I'm in fashion. Well... animal fashion. I groom cats and dogs, and sometimes other animals at their owners' want." He appeared to take pride in his work for his voice held that little lilt to it that Shou noted meant he was pleased.

It's fate.

"What about you, Shou-san? What is your line of work?" It was quite comforting to see he was equally curious as to Shou, as Shou was to him.

"Fashion as well, but of the human kind. I work for a local fashion design company."

How dazzling it was to see Saga's eyes light up that small bit, evidently impressed at Shou's own form of work. "That sounds like fun. Where do you work?"

A very light, almost unseen blush passed over Saga's cheeks when he asked such a forward question, but Shou didn't mind the inquiry at all. He quite simply smiled and told his companion the name of the company of which he worked, and at that Saga seemed almost twice as impressed.

"Really? I love that clothing line. Just picked up their catalogue here recently." A smile tinged his soft lips at the admission, making Shou's heart skip a beat.

The summer air seemed to pick up the more the two of them walked down the path winding around the park. Very few kids and parents were here today despite the favorable conditions of the weather. Most were toddlers not yet in school and mothers who did not work for whatever reason. It made for a nice atmosphere and Shou wanted to take advantage of it while he had time with the delicate creature beside him.

"I'm glad to hear that. A lot of hard work was put into those outfits." Shou returned the genial smile before glancing out at some children first learning to play on the playground. Their antsy mothers stood to the side, watching them carefully as they would go down the slide or climb up on the monkey bars. A sight for the tender-hearted, yet it didn't compare to Saga. Shou found that now nothing was as beautiful or as fascinating as his lovely companion. The young man had stolen his heart within a first glance, and now Shou was trapped. Like a fox in a hunter's trap.

Saga stayed silent after that, seeming wishing to enjoy the scenery just as his canine was doing as it loped on beside the two of them, if not a bit ahead.

Silence gripped them for at least a stretch of five minutes before Shou had to speak again. He needed to know more about Saga; to better his relations and perhaps see if this exquisite being would indeed want to share future time with him.

"Summer is the best season of all, don't you think?" It was spoken contemplatively; more as though he were commenting to himself rather than asking a question of Saga beside him.

The man simply nodded, his smile appearing again and reassuring Shou that he was enjoying his company just as Shou was enjoying Saga's. "I love summer. I always have. My brother always said it was because my birthday was in summer, though." That was when Saga made the most beautiful sound that Shou believed he had ever heard. He laughed. It was slight, almost a chuckle, but it was rich and just the right tone. More lovely than even his favorite music.

Upon gathering himself and easing his hammering heart, Shou found the coherency to answer. "Really? Mine is too. When is your birthday?" His gaze fixated on Saga's fair-skinned face, an inquisitive expression upon his own.

"June twenty-fourth. Just around the corner, I'm afraid." Another chuckle of sorts and Shou had to smile, trying his best to hide and lock away the major emotions that he felt just at hearing such a thing. "What about yours?"

"July fifth." But Shou didn't want to speak of himself. He wanted to learn more of Saga, so he in turn asked another question. "How old will you be this year, if you don't mind me asking." Shou tried to look sheepish and it seemed to work because Saga's expression changed considerably to one of warm acceptance. Shou had no doubt that his beauty was as open-minded a person as anyone could be.

Saga shrugged and stopped just long enough for Chiko to use the bathroom before he recaptured his pace beside Shou. "How old do I look?" Playfulness shined through the question, making it almost a game.

"Twenty...two?" Shou tried, still sheepish in case he guessed a little too old. It was an honest guess, however. He didn't want Saga to yet think of him as a flatterer.

"Close. I turn twenty-five this year." It wasn't apparent whether or not he enjoyed being thought of as younger than he was, but Shou had a hunch that he liked it very much. Didn't everyone? "Let me turn twenty-six?" That ever playful smile and Shou found himself staring, if only for a small moment too long. At least Saga couldn't see him doing such a thing under his sunglasses.

A nod and Shou chuckled lightly. "Do I look my age? Or am I just obvious?"

"Both." The smile morphed into a grin, but nothing close to a sneer. He was just confident in his correct guess, and rather glad that he had won the game of sorts. "Not really. I'm just a good guesser."

"So you are." Shou breathed out, finding his heart beating wildly even more than he had yet. If he wasn't careful it would beat right out of his chest.

Once again that ever present silence hung over them, but this time it was comfortable silence. Not awkward, nor did either of them feel pressured into speaking. They were close to friend level, maybe even having passed it without knowing. Either way, one could see just how each of them already craved the other's attention. From the fleeting glances that Saga would send Shou, and Shou would send back tenfold, to the slight, gentle bumping of their hands as they walked just a little too close to one another. Closer than the usual acquainties would be.

These things overjoyed Shou and made him feel like a little boy having his first crush all over again. Saga was the center of his world at the moment and he could only hope that, by some strange chance, Saga felt the same.


Their walk consumed most of the afternoon and the beginnings of the eve. The whole time was spent either chatting casually and getting to know one another, or walking in simple silence, taking in all they learned of each other and enjoying the day.

As the sun began to set, however, Shou knew he had to get home. His cats were waiting on their dinner and he had no right to make them wait longer, no matter how much he longed for more of Saga's attention. He could see Saga knew it was time to head home as well. The old dog at his feet was panting with exhaustion from the long walk, helped only the bottle of water that Saga had brought along and given to the canine about halfway through their walk.

"I apologize, but I really must be going now. My cats are waiting for me at home." Regret enveloped his words and Saga seemed to notice this as he gave a little, sad smile.

"Don't apologize. I know what it's like to have to tend to your pets. It's only because you love them."

Shou nodded his head at the affirmation of forgiveness, his lips drawn in a fine line of contemplation. "Would you... like to take another walk with me? Tomorrow, perhaps? Or the weekend?" Try as he might Shou couldn't keep the hopefulness out of his tone, but rather than perplex Saga, it seemed to make him rather happy. His eyes lit up that tiny bit, shining perfectly in the setting sun's orange glow.

"Tomorrow sounds perfect. Noon? That's when my lunch break is."

I forgot he has to work as well. Shou knew he had only assumed otherwise because of how lovely of a walk they'd shared with one another; how carefree they had been.

"Noon it is." Shou's lips curved into a smile, and Saga's own lips smiled in return, though not that sad smile as they had earlier. This time they were happy, just as Shou's were. "I'll see you then, Saga-san."

With a nod, Saga turned his back to Shou and started for the pathway home, leaving Shou watching after him in awe. That slender, delicate figure of his looked beyond angelic in the light of the evening. His skin was made more tan, hair a darker hue of brown than it truly was. Shou could only imagine what his face looked like with the light bathing it so fully.

"I wish it was already tomorrow." The words were spoken on a sigh, but despite such a thing, Shou kept his smile. He wasn't sad that the evening had fell short of keeping them together because there was the promise of tomorrow, and as long as he was granted such a thing he knew he would be perfectly fine.

Part 2

saga, alice nine, tragic_ennui, shou

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