The Thin Line Between Love and Hate - Tora/Reita - NC-17 - Oneshot

Mar 20, 2009 20:48

Title: The Thin Line Between Love and Hate
Author: Kavikalphawolf
Beta: omgdonutseeds
Band/Pairing: Tora/Reita [alice nine./GazettE)
Prompt: [10] It's Healthy to Fight (For tragic_ennui)
Rating: NC-17
Genre: AU/Supernatural/High School/Romance
Warnings: ManxMan Smex
Disclaimer: Do not own these guys.
Summary: When two people fight often, it doesn't always mean they hate each other.
Comment(s): Definitely not my best work, but I felt the need to write it and so I did. I may redo it when I'm feeling more creative (since I like the over all idea), but for now I'm leaving it as is. XD;

It had all started over a territory dispute.

The grounds of the high school and the surrounding areas had always belonged to Reita by use of force. He was as proud and rebellious as any other delinquent, but he held a secret. One that caused his territorial instincts to be twice as strong as that of any prideful human. That's right, he wasn't human at all. He only looked that way to everyone around him.

Reita had been used to this, people not knowing what he was; a beast, a creature. Even in some sense a demon. He hid it and he hid it well. Until he arrived. That's when the true fighting had started.

Tora had moved from somewhere overseas, Reita didn't know where. He was a high school student in the same grade as Reita--the same class even--but even more so than that, he held a similar secret. Reita had scented him the first day he was there, and vice versa. One meeting of the eyes was all it had took for the two of them to engage in their first fight.

Students cleared the room, yet watched the fight with interest. Both of them were equally matched, yet Reita could tell that Tora was the stronger beast by nature. He just wasn't as trained, it seemed. Reita had been fighting all his life, but Tora had only developed such fighting habits as of late. That's why his parents had moved him, back to his mother's native land while his father had stayed behind.

Their fight had ended on a bitter note with teachers parting them, but they knew it wasn't the end of the war for control. Not by far.

Many fights happened after that, in which neither won. They only succeeded in exhausting each other to the point they both had to stop and rest, and how that agitated them both. They grew to look forward to the fights, eagerly awaiting the day that one of them would win and take control.

It never happened.


Because they fell in love.

That didn't mean they stopped their fighting, however. No, they still fought. They fought each other with the greatest passion, but no longer to win control of the school and its surroundings. Now they fought to keep their love alive.


"Is that all you've got, Suzuki?" Tora hissed, standing his ground after having knocked Reita to the dirt and grass below.

Students were gathered, watching the spectacle with wide, curious eyes. The fighting the two always did garnered much attention from all students because they all awaited the day one would be defeated. There were bets placed for them and against them, but so far nothing had been claimed.

Reita snarled with rage and pushed himself off the ground, swinging a hard punch at his opponent's face. It failed to catch Tora off-guard, and he dodged swiftly to the side. His movements had gotten quick, but he still wasn't quite as fast as Reita was, and he knew he never would be. That was a harsh reality, but his pride on that was soothed with the knowledge he would always be bigger and more powerful than the other. However, that's what always kept them at a stalemate. Reita was faster so he could dodge the harder hits, while Tora was slower, but Reita didn't hit hard enough to truly damage him.

Brown eyes stared and calculated, watching the faux silver ones that watched him. Then Reita lunged again, managing to land a swift punch on Tora's jaw, making some students cringe as Tora recoiled and took a couple steps back, before he was trying to return the punch by kicking out at the other teen. He barely managed to catch Reita's side and send the other stumbling back and forcing himself to continue standing upright.

Reita returned the kick when he was able, again catching Tora, but he had miscalculated the other's motives for taking the hit. Within moments a punch was delivered to his abdomen and he was gasping for breath, stepping back as far as he could to avoid any other injury. When he regained himself, though, he moved to attack again and the fight continued.

It went on like this for at least three hours, the both of them fighting and fighting until all had dispersed from around them, heading home. Only then did the two of them allow themselves to collapse panting on the ground below.

Tora lay sprawled on his back, legs spread with his eyes closed, gulping down air as if it were something tangible. Reita was in much the same situation, only laying on his side, facing Tora and watching him with half-lidded eyes. Neither were truly injured more than a few cuts and bruises, but that was nothing. It never was in their eyes.

While they recuperated nothing was said about the fight, or about really anything in general. Oftentimes that's how it was. On rare occasions when they would talk, it would be because one of them had something pressing on their mind that hadn't been let out in the fight. This time they were both content. They had released all their stress and frustrations, and were okay, if not a little euphoric. A good, fair fight was very relieving and they knew it well.

It took them each about twenty minutes to regain their strength enough to get off the ground. Even then no words were spoken. Mere glances and both knew what came next. Both had a subtle way of knowing what the other was thinking, and it was always the same thing after each fight. The brawling helped their relationship greatly, but it wasn't all that it needed. No, both of them needed much more, as hateful as it was to each of them. At least, before they met each other.


"Tora..." A moaned plead as Reita felt himself being pushed into slowly, yet relentlessly. So much pleasure flooded him as it always did and forced him to push back against it.

Most would be surprised at how Reita would get on his hands and knees for the other teen, but none would be surprised that he made Tora fight for it. It was a different kind of fight, though. One with no limitations, or barriers needed. They could fight like they were meant to. With fang and claw, not fist and foot.

Countless clawmarks littered their bodies as did bitemarks, but they reveled in it. It was their paradise in which no one else could enter. There was not a single other soul that understood their trials as beasts that were shunned by man.

Tora returned the plead with a low growl and a bite to the back of Reita's neck. His tail hung in the air in a show of dominancy, while Reita's much longer one was curled to the side, allowing Tora the access they both wanted and had in this moment in time. "So tight, Reita...Fuck...." Separate pairs of clawed hands dug into flesh as well as the sheets below. "Shit you feel so good..."

At the compliment, Reita clenched his muscles around his mate's thick length that was pushing deeper with every inward thrust. His mouth was open and panting, loving the mixture of pain and pleasure that was so common to their relationship. "S-So good..."

There was a feral, feline way that Reita arched his back, making Tora move with him as best he could. Cheetahs were always so much more limber than tigers were.

"Ahh....Tora please..." That was all the permission Tora needed to start moving faster and harder, near slamming into the teen beneath him. In response Reita growled low, though not out of dislike. It was out of pure pleasure.

His muscles kept clenching hotly around Tora, drawing both of them further into the realms of pleasure. Tora didn't even need to touch his erection for him to experience such great sensations. He could get off just from feeling Tora pressing into him and hitting that blissful spot over and over just as he was doing now.

"Keep....Ahhn....Keep doing that....Just like that....Fucking shit, Reita..." Tora panted, burying his face against the back of his mate's sweaty neck. His entire being was quivering with need, and he could feel Reita's doing the very same. The both of them were so close, so in need of release that they were desperate for anything to throw them over the edge and ease the painful delight of their tightly coiled abdomens.

"Please more...T-Tora, harder...."

Tora complied instantly, thrusting as hard as he could into Reita's willing body. His fangs sank deep into the back of Reita's neck, giving the other teen the bit of pain that he needed to finally let go.

With a loud, guttural cry, Reita felt himself spurt his essence onto the sheets below as white stars exploded before his vision, making his head swim. His entire body went tense, forcing Tora's own orgasm. The tiger emitted a loud roar, expressing his utter gratification at his seed spilling into Reita's tight, hot passage and further marking him as his own.

Just like when they had fought earlier, both of them collapsed to regain their breathing, though they didn't lay separately. Tora laid completely atop Reita, as if protecting his body from the rest of the world, and claiming him wholly as his own.

Panting, Tora started his post-sex attentions and affections that Reita was so used to. Tora kissed his shoulder, then his neck, lapping at the excess blood almost in apology. The feeling made Reita purr deep in his throat, a sound that had never came from him until Tora had came around and turned his world upside down.

"Mm..." He hummed, lurching forward and forcing Tora out of his now-pliant body. Tora grumbled a slight protest, but said nothing as Reita turned over, laying on his back to look up at the other feline he had come to love and trust with his entire being.

Tora met his eyes briefly before bending down and kissing Reita softly, completely content when he felt Reita's arms wind around his neck, holding him close and cradling him. Words weren't needed. They never were outside of having sex.

When their lips parted from one another, Tora lapped at Reita's sweat soaked forehead and cheeks in affection, his tiger ears laid back in happiness. His tongue even trailed over the cheetah spots that made their way across the middle of Reita's face. The ones he always hid with that noseband of his. Tora always had been lucky his stripes were where clothing could hide them.

Reita continued his purring all the long while Tora tried cleaning him, even when the taller teen bent down to lick at his entrance. His eyes opened and closed slowly as he let Tora clean him, and a small smile appeared on his thin lips. Tora was always so affectionate and gentle with him when they were like this. It was perfect after a long day of fighting and releasing their stresses on one another.

Most people would wonder how they could do such fighting and then come home to this, but they wonder how people don't. Fighting as they do only strengthens their bond and shows their not afraid to take one another on. It takes their stress away and keeps them from fighting about their relationship. In a way it's healthy for them.

"I love you, Reita..." Tora murmured once finished with his task, his golden eyes--that he always hid with false silver ones; which Reita found pointless in itself--staring up at his mate lovingly and reassuring the young cheetah that his words rang true.

"And I, you, Tora..." It went without saying, but he said it anyway while pulling Tora up to him again, letting the tiger lay down atop him, which he did without protest.

Even covered in blood and bruises from inflicting each other with wounds, their love was never stronger than it was in these times. Nothing could break their bond as long as they loved enough to hurt each other.

reita, alice nine, tora, gazette

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