I died on the Starship Kavalierngay
I was killed in a white-walled bar by Inwolfclothing the Phogon warbot, whilst carrying...
a PAPILL-5300 supercomputer, a Punchthewhat screwdriver, the Log of the USS Cock My Gun, Snakesonanin's commbadge, a SUPERPOWERS-20 plasma rifle, a Jack-Kerouac model hazmat suit, the Log of the USS Mrgrumpypants , a LOBSTE-2500 supercomputer, an athousandandnunlithium crystal, the Log of the USS Secondhandsky, an HAPHAZARDACE-80 phaser, a Sometimes-Zach screwdriver, a SCREW forcefield generator, a Video-Games screwdriver, Art Crow's commbadge, a Jazzed-Square model hazmat suit, a Howilikemyian deathblade, an BANNEDFROMCHAN-90 phaser, a Kung-Fu-Movies screwdriver, Kafukaesque's commbadge, a WAVE-R forcefield generator, a Gloves-Come-Off model hazmat suit, a CHRISMUKKAH-20 plasma rifle, Inurbase's commbadge, a Plzdontdomeian raygun and 223 galacticredits.
Score: 446
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