Feb 26, 2004 17:04
horoscope 4 2day:
You Scorpions are realists and you probably know that your current enthusiasm won't last. But you are also wise enough to take it while you have it and to make the most of it while you can. There is some recognition coming your way from the social realms, whether it's your friends or associates from work. This bit of excitement may not ultimately change the bigger picture of your life, but now you can have something to feel good about along the way.
chris-remember 2 burn me sublime..lol.. ill bring u a blank cd 2morrow
this weekend im gonna win a fish @ the fair :-)
this time next week ill b @ odc waiting 4 linkin park :-) next sat is afi <3... great stuff commin up. must get tickets 4 bonzai...
yay for no homework!