Apr 28, 2009 00:06
If Kavachi were an actual Disgaea character, here would be his stats.
I'm still using the Disgaea 2 system for this, because I'm not sure I know all the existing Evilities and I REFUSE TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE WEAPON FORTE SYSTEM OVER THE WEAPON MASTERY SYSTEM. Really, Disgaea 3 is probably my new favorite in the trilogy, but the Weapon Forte system is the biggest hunk of bullcrap I have ever had the displeasure of putting up with in a SRPG. (save maybe the having-only-3-turns-to-revive-fallen-party-members schtick from FF Tactics)
Innate Power: Powers up with each ajacent allied Prinny.
Lover Bonus: Stat boost increased by 1% per lover.
Counter: 3
Move: 5
Jump: 20
Throw: 5
Weapon Skill:
Fist - A
Sword - B
Spear - B
Bow - E
Gun - E
Axe - C
Staff - E
HP: 90%
SP: 100%
ATK: 120%
DEF: 110%
INT: 100%
RES: 90%
HIT: 110%
SPD: 110%
Lv. 5: Sparking Fist - Kavachi fires a wave of energy from his fist. (Attack based, range is 1-3 panels, no diagonal movement, hits target only)
Lv. 25: Prinny Storm - Kavachi summons Prinnies... in a very overdramatic manner. With a guitar and lightning and stuff. (Attack based, wind damage, range is 3 panels, hits target and all ajacent characters)
Lv. 50: Adonic Justice - Kavachi repeatedly punches his target, ending the combo with an uppercut into the air, where he finally throws a moon-shaped bomb up at them. (Attack based, range is 1 panel, hits target only)