For most of my life I heard the phrase over and over and over.
"Jesus died for you."
Eventually it struck me that so many of the evangelical christians who surrounded me were far more concerned with the death of Jesus than with his life. They worried about what his execution meant, but rarely pondered what his earthly existance meant in the first place.
Think to your most ecstatic experience of God. Try to remember the awesome energy and overwhelming is-ness of the being you experienced. Remember the vastness and power of that being.
Now try to imagine that power becoming something so tiny as a human. A baby human, born to rural teenagers in a land lorded over by distant masters.
Now remember that the vastness that you were thinking of is just your perception of it, and that its reality is so much more.
It's astounding!
Everything that was great became everything that was small. The most powerful became the most powerless.
So the phrase I now try to remember is "Jesus LIVED for you!"
Let us remember to follow his lead and live for all of humanity.
[the beautiful and contemplative words of laotzuribbon]