May 06, 2010 18:58

Title 150
Topic Torchwood
Pairings Jack/Ianto
Summary 150 - Jack's "lucky" number.
Rating PG
Genre angst
Author's Note popped into my head. A bit on the dark side. Written for tw100.


That is how old Jack Harkness turned today. That is the number of times in the past year he has died, the number of planets he has visited since leaving Cardiff, the number of bars he managed to get drunk in. The number of different individuals that he has fucked since dropping the ‘Captain’ from his title, because he doesn’t deserve it. The number of nights that he has cried himself to sleep because he can’t remember his name.

It’s the number of people that he should have said “I Love you” too. But it’s not.

It is 149.

jack/ianto, jack harkness, torchwood, drabble, ianto jones

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