Title King
Fandom Supernatural
Characters Castiel
Rating G
Spoilers None
Authors Note *Spoilers in Author's Note* Actually wrote this on the margins in my SAT test today that I took this morning, and tried to re-write as best as I could as soon as I got out. Not as good as the original, but I had to write something. That episode tore my heart out, after everything that happened with Cas and Sam and the look in Dean's eyes....
The snow falls silently, covering the red-stained Earth. The graphically painted scene turns blank. The cold freezes the sound of sobbing, and prayers drift upward, ignored. Tear-filled eyes glance towards the horizon, awaiting the sun that will never rise. Silence; the white melts away impurity, leaving only perfection. He stands in the middle of it all, a virus among the living; dirt among the clean. Eyes downcast, he cries for help, but no one answers.
The man who would be king.