Title Thieves
Topic Leverage
Words 188
Characters implies Nathan ford, Sophie Devereaux, Eliot Spencer, Alec Hardison, Parker
Summary They were thieves, and in the end, thieves always run.
Rating G
Author's Note Written for
caperland They all stood there, in a semi-circle around their leader - everything was so familiar.
They screwed up; the job went south. They all knew the only answer - split up. They were thieves; no matter how many good deeds they did or lives they saved or corrupt mayors they sent to jail, they’d always be thieves.
And in the end, thieves always run.
But it was different this time. Their leader was handcuffed to the rail, his nemesis - no, their nemesis - towering over them, a smug smirk projecting from his lips. And the guns, there were so many guns, in the hands of so many badges.
“I can take ‘em.” He said.
No he couldn’t.
There was no way out - jail or death - not a choice you would ever want to make.
And then their dark knight robbed them of that choice, saved them instead of himself - a queen being sacrificed for the lives of four pawns.
So, like thieves, they ran.
But they were more than thieves - because thieves don’t come back.
“We’ll save him - we’ll come back for him.”