drabble remix challenge

Apr 17, 2011 14:59

Title: Prom Night (Original)
Author: Kauschi
Fandom: Popular
Pairing: Sam/Brooke
Rating: PG
Theme: prom

Sam was unhappy.

Up until now all of this has just felt like a game. But this was serious now.

She was sitting at the restaurant with Brooke and Harrison, all of them dressed up for prom, and things couldn’t be more awkward.

What has she been thinking?

Sam looked around the room. It was filled with happy couples. She looked back at Brooke and Harrison.

Something was wrong. Something felt seriously wrong here.

Was she here for Harrison? Has she been competing with Brooke because she really wanted to be with him?

Sam looked around the room again.

Why does this all feel so wrong?

She turned back and caught Brooke looking at her and all of a sudden she knew what felt so wrong.

She wasn’t here for him…she was here for her.

* * *

Title: Kennedy High (Remix of "Aydindril High" by mysensitiveside )
Author: Kauschi
Fandom: Popular
Pairing: Sam/Brooke
Rating: PG
Theme: first day of school

Sam walked in into school, Carmen and Lily innocently chatting away next to her. She had no idea what they were talking about. She had no idea how they could be so unfazed by all of this.

Today was her first day of school at Kennedy High, and even though she might just be a lowly freshman, she couldn’t help but being excited about what finally being in high school meant.

She may not be one of the popular kids, but she never really ca… Sam's thoughts were interrupted when they bumped into a group of girls and her books went flying on the floor.

“Watch it, losers” a short blonde girl snapped at them.

Sam was about to say something back at the girl, when she saw her. Tall, blonde and the most beautiful smile Sam had ever seen.

“I’ll help you with that” the girl said and kneeled down to pick up the books.

Sam seemed to be in a trance, all she could do was stare.

“Don’t listen to her” the girl said. “She only barks, but rarely bites. I’m Brooke by the way”. The girl looked at her with that gorgeous smile.

“I’m Sam.”

High school got even more exciting now.


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