Nov 09, 2003 00:34
My mother's alcoholism is, apparently, becoming worse. I noticed a week or two ago that she'd bought another jug of wine before she was even done with the one she had. I groaned inwardly but I ignored it; There's really nothing to do as long as I'm living "under her roof", I guess. Any suggestion that she is, perhaps, hopelessly addicted to a substance that makes her dangerous and stupid and psychotic, and that that addiction is evidently getting worse, is met with a vehement denial and shrieks of how ungrateful I am and a whole other line of bullshit I don't even want to go into. Last night she bought herself a second jug of wine before she was even halfway done with the one she bought.. the night before, I think it was. She came in here quite drunk tonight after having viewed that fucking, god-damned Netzero commercial, declaring that that was a good question, "since all lines lead to the internet then why is she paying exorbitant prices?" Uh.. You're not paying exorbitant prices? "I'm paying $40 a month!" That's for the whole cable bill. Did you forget that "you" are paying LESS now than you were to have a second phone line for AOL? Christ.
I did not like this song the first time I heard it. I keep hearing it in commercials and as the theme song to some goddamn TV show I can't ever remember and I decided to look it up and then I realized oh, I already have it. I guess I have Griffith to thank for that. I also like that stupid Outkast song now too, which I just downloaded and I don't know why. /Lewis Black