Apr 01, 2012 00:04

I finally saw my beloved Jānis Stībelis (Jay Stever) sing live tonight. Even if he only did like 3 1/2 songs, and even if he was "supporting" Laima Vaikule on her North American tour, I still was a happy little chipmunk. I am in love with the man's voice and I wish he was able to sing some of his hit songs (as opposed to ancient Soviet hits that the audience prefers..). My mother, the tried and true fangirl, ran backstage after the show and came back with the cd cover signed. I would not have managed to do that! haha. Jānis is lovely and I really hope he gets a lot of support in Latvia for doing his solo stuff. I just gave his latest record a few spins and he just oozes positivity (one of the songs is called just that, "Positive", with the chorus urging to "always stay positive!"). I hope I get to see him play an actual show someday. (He's on a long list of artists I would love to see (more of), but that's beside the point)

Music saves my soul, time and time again.
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