India and China - Water War

Aug 06, 2009 10:51

Most of the rivers of north India (except Ganga) start from Tibetan plateau. After the invasion, slaughter and annexation of Tibet by China six decades ago, now India has to confront China on water. China has not accepted for India's long-standing demand on transparency on water related information about these rivers. In fact, some of the floods may be related to the non-cooperation of China to Indian authorities on water-information (rate of inflow, water levels). Over and above, China is constructing an underground himalayan tunnel using nukes to divert one of the major rivers. Read the following Brahma Chellany's article to find out more and the possibilities of water war with China:!4913C7C8A2EA4A30!1060.entry

india, war, north, bomb, himalaya, ganga, invasion, brahma, tibet, scarcity, river, china, juntao, water, chellany, slaughter, nuke, nuclear, diversion, linking, hu, annexation, tunnel

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