My Drug Problem

Mar 18, 2006 19:03

I realized a very unfortunate thing today. I think I have a drug problem. But don't worry too much. My drug of choice (or maybe not choice at this point) is not only legal, it is even sold to children. As some of you may have already guessed, I am addicted to caffeine.

Earler this week there was an indication that I might have a problem. I noticed on Wednesday that my usual morning cup of coffee was not fulfilling its promise of keeping me awake in class. I was forced to resort to a second cup during lunch to get me through the afternoon. Now, I was not too dismayed by this discovery, because it is expected that eventually I would built up a tolerance. But it was slightly disconcerting to realized that the dosage of caffeine that a year ago would have kept me jittery until after lunch now sometimes has no discernable effect.

Now, I may religious down my sixteen ounces of coffee every weekday morning, but I generally stick to a soothing cup of tea on the weekends. However, I must admit that I had coffee both afternoons last weekend. It was just so difficult to do work because I was so tired. I was also tired this afternoon, and I had had a headache all day. I decided that my ability to work would be much improved by some of that glorious black elixir. I immediately felt better upon inhaling the delicious fumes, and my the time I had finished my mug, my headache had disappated. Then, it occured to me that this was a very bad sign. I never wanted to be one of those coffee addicts who had to have caffeine to make them human. I just needed a little help to stay awake in class, that's all. But apparently, like many addicts before me, I have found that I am no longer in control. I have now reached the point where I must have coffe whether I want to or not.

I wish that I could just stop drinking it, but at this point, that just isn't possible. I simply can't sleep enough for that to happen. So I guess I am stuck, at least until spring break, when maybe I can try to go cold turkey.
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