Dream: I Am The Happy Hippo

Nov 03, 2006 19:36

I sat near the back of a small, dim classroom with about a dozen college students. Lindsey sat a couple rows ahead of me. She and I disliked the high school teacher running the class. He had a strange hobby he was always talking about, something involving a water-tight vehicle or suit made from floppy, transparent plastic, like heavy shower curtains. We could see all the moving parts inside, but they were all soft and flexible... rows of blue Koosh balls where there should have been gears.

Someone walked into a bedroom, where a gray canvas tent had been set up on the bed. The classroom was in the tent. I was the only one inside, but it was so small I got tangled in the flaps and screens when I tried to get out. I escaped the tent and accidentally transformed myself into a hippopotamus, which made me very happy.

Once I was human again, I found nemoren making tiny books in the kitchen. She carefully bound at least one page of minuscule text between each pair of half-inch covers. The pages came from a foreign culture she'd been studying, but I wasn't certain how big those people were. The tiny books amazed discoflamingo and beltramgregor, and they couldn't stop staring at them. nemoren calmly pressed another book into shape with the bottom of a wine bottle as I walked in.

beltramgregor, dream, nemoren, lindsey_work, discoflamingo

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