Dream: But I Am Not A Dog Person

Apr 06, 2006 14:20

Saturday, April 1st:

Three-dozen senators charged in through the main doors of the senate building, their flintlock pistols resounding in pairs. Surprised, the usurpers fell in droves until they'd flipped the heavy wooden tables for cover. Abe Lincoln joined the senators, his honor guard pressing close. The usurpers returned fire from their makeshift barricades, and the gun battle became a gorgeous, smokey montage, showcasing the heroic wu-slides and deadly hand-to-hand skills of individual senators.

At the back of the senate chamber, sinister_dr_x told me this version was his favorite retelling of the true tale. I nodded appreciatively.

The senators wiped out the usurpers, found the secret door in the far wall, and followed the stairs down into the basement-level cabinet room of another nearby government building. They quickly dispatched the few remaining usurpers and took stock of the situation.

Lincoln nodded and stared at the precise stonework of this hidden building, and one of the senators explained that they'd commissioned the work from the four [dwarves], the only civilized people on the continent when humans had arrived. Nearby, the four gentlemen to which he referred smiled behind white beards; they looked like Scandinavian clock-makers in their late 60's.

A stranger gave me a white smooth-haired Jack Russell Terrier. I brought it home while pushing a wheeled sales cart whose square awning shielded me from the rain. The dog waited by the cart while I opened the ground-floor doors. I eventually realized the dog hadn't followed me in, and found it sitting in the street by the cart, soaked.

I brought the dog inside, where it curled up on a pile of round river stones in the garage. (The sad dog thought a bed of stones appropriate for its mood.) I tried to convince the dog to follow me upstairs to the house. The Stranger showed up, and I realized he was a demon, or part dragon, or both. I dried off the dog until it was happier, and we all went upstairs (which was the Fellowship Hall of my old church).

I tried to shut the garage doors, but the switches I threw turned out to be circuit breakers, and the entire church lost power. Red warning lights flashed from the ceiling.

Police and a passel of neighbors burst in through the far doors. The police pointed guns at me while they shouted about "Receiving a Stolen Dog."

dream, sinister_dr_x, violent dream

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