Dream: Beware My Fearsome Shoelace

Feb 08, 2006 11:58

Tuesday, Feb. 7th:

I cleaned up a present Rocky (the cat) left in the middle of our bedroom floor. Alyssa sat in the bed and talked to me while I cleaned, but I couldn't quite follow her. She was telling me to do something in case of rain, because something would streak if I didn't.

Big Bird waddled into the center of the ring, keen on revenge. He looked strange—scaly and mustard-colored. I'm not sure whether he was beltramgregor's character or gnfnrf's; I'd never played this video game before, and I was having enough trouble telling the sides apart. Genevieve's team had been giving us a thrashing. I'd met one of the girls on her team years ago, but I never see her anymore. Her other teammates were strangers to me.

The multiplayer fighting game took place in a circular arena. Four pillars stood evenly spaced, halfway from the center. Sort of like fighting on a giant cuff button with toothpicks through the thread holes. The pillars divided the arena into sections that had something to do with scoring; every so often, one region would flash red or blue or an angry greenish-yellow. There was an objective beyond beating each other up, but I let the others handle it, since it didn't make any sense to me.

I played as an odd, mechanical-looking shape that didn't seem very tough, but it bounced around very quickly. I discovered one of my controls unfurled the tattered half of a giant, dirty shoelace. One end wrapped around a pillar, and my character orbited like a crazed tetherball before tumbling away. An enemy tomato in the center wobbled towards me on slender, feminine legs. My boxy combatant snagged a pillar with the end of his shoelace, swung around a second pillar then back around the first, back and forth five times. When the hostile tomato stumbled into the shoelace fence I'd just created, they both shook, the lace glowing orange as the plump fruit pulsed dark blue in pain. I whooped in triumph as the tomato stumbled away, then noticed I'd caught a second character, a pair of golden octahedrons fixed point-to-point that stood on end. I got two! I thought. Or... wait. Is that beltramgregor? I offered a conditional apology to the player of the platonic solids.

Across the room—or maybe across town—discoflamingo started up his system so he could join our game. Another friend or two stood back while he got it set up, ready to join his team. discoflamingo configured the settings and tried to join, but it just gave him error messages over and over. Frustrated, he unplugged the gray network cable (which had an over-sized USB connector) and said something like, "why isn't this working!?"

Steve, the sysadmin from work, was suddenly in the room. He leaned over to glance at the cable. "Is that the 720?" he asked.

"Yeah," discoflamingo replied indignantly.

"Yeah," said Steve. "You need the 740." discoflamingo sighed heavily.

monsters, steve_c_work, genevieve, violent dream, discoflamingo, beltramgregor, dream, not quite big bird, rocky, gnfnrf

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