Dream: Socks Do Not Embarrass

Sep 12, 2005 01:21

Later Sunday morning:

I sat in a large hotel room with Kyle (from work), Sam Cooper, the Jens from Mac that isn't related to beltramgregor, and a few other people. ytinas and I sat on the end of a bed; another girl sat on the other. Everyone was discussing what sort of underwear they prefer, and there had just been a show of hands for boxers vs. briefs. Kyle and Sam hadn't sided with either, and someone asked for explanation.

I think Sam expressed a preference for Calvin Kleins... something only a little odd. Kyle, though, stood up in his ratty gray t-shirt and started to rap. He was doing a bad rendition of something by Dr. Dre, replacing a bunch of words and telling us about wrapping himself in cloth bandages (instead of underwear) and how great that was.

"That's gross," said the other girl.

Many of us tried to ignore him. I pointedly turned away and complimented ytinas on her colorful knit socks. "Girls get better sock options than guys do," I claimed. The other girl joined us to discuss sock merits. ytinas had removed her socks by this point and was showing one to someone.

"The other thing," I said, "is that since you have more of them, you don't wash them as often, so they stay nicer, fuller, and that makes them better for juggling." I rolled the sock into a ball and tossed it tentatively.

jens, dream, sam, kyle_work, ytinas

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