Dream: The Strawberry Tree

Jan 15, 2010 07:42

Tuesday, January 12th, 2010:

I walked out to the strawberry tree in our yard. It grew by the base of the huge pine tree, and it looked like a pine tree without any needles. It was 34 degrees and damp outside; I had to trim the tree before winter and harvest some forgotten strawberries. I accidentally cut off a fruiting branch, and the berries disappeared. I searched all around in the shaggy lawn, but couldn't find the cluster of berries. I realized the must have fallen into the pasta pot—our huge spaghetti pot sat on the lawn, full of hot water, murky with oil and starch.

I reached into the pot and pulled out the berries; they'd swelled to the size of footballs, soaking up the water. I knew I had to dry them out as fast as possible, otherwise they'd taste like spaghetti. I ran inside.

Alyssa and I were attending a party at Mr_Thrym's place. I was constantly nervous about the fact that I was naked, but no one noticed. When we arrived, everyone was sprawled in the living room watching old cartoons on two different TV's at once. I didn't recognize either show, but xcorvis and discoflamingo were enjoying "Dinosaur Robots," in which dinosaurs would occasionally be cut in half and revealed to be hollow, nothing more than robotic skins.

Everyone else went upstairs to play a board game, but I was embarrassed so I kept watching cartoons.

I went upstairs when it was time to leave, and the game had just concluded. The board showed several city blocks, and they were playing with both expansion boards. They'd gradually built plastic buildings across them, all vying to exploit developments in municipal water pressure.

xcorvis, alyssa, dream, mr_thrym, discoflamingo

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