Title: A Right Abomination
Words: 285
Pairing: Polly/Maladicta
Fandom: Terry Pratchett, "Monstrous Regiment"
Rating: PG-13, I guess
Comments: Un-beta'd and it took me about half an hour to write so not exactly a masterpiece. And I really wishsomeone else wrote about these two, too. Yay for
cheesemongers ;)
“Funny how little time it took,” says Maladicta, “and now there’s a war on again.”
They’re at the inn in Plün and it’s dark. The only candle has gone out about an hour ago but to a vampire this, of course, would be and is a very minor problem. The sheets are damp and have been torn and sewn and torn once again and, by the feel of them, have always been in sore need of washing, but, compared to the thunderstorm outside, inside it’s warm and comfortable. Besides, they’ve had worse.
“Yes,” says Polly. “But now it’s different. At least I think so. We can do something about this one.”
“It can’t be harder than the last one,” says Maladicta, putting her arm around Polly.
They don’t know how they ended up lying in the same bed but neither of them seems to be surprised. It does feel warmer that way, of course, but there’s something else to it, too; something to do with the Monstrous Regiment and that closeness they shared then. And the fact that Maladicta’s lips pressing against Polly’s neck send happy shivers down her spine doesn’t make the experience particularly unpleasing.
Nuggan would have probably declared that sort of thing an Abomination of a particularly, aha, abominable sort, Polly reflects as she frees herself only to turn around and cover Maladicta’s mouth with hers, pushing hair out of the way, pinning one slight pale wrist to the bed but letting the vampire’s other hand stroke her back and not at all minding the long slender leg being thrown over hers; but then, Nuggan himself used to be a right Abomination. And this thing is too good to feel guilty about.