Oct 20, 2007 15:16
had a busy day yesterday, even kept working throughout the celebration of a birthday.
But then, later, when there were only three of us left and it was something past 6am, we poured ourselves rum (Caribbean, or, at least, that's what it says on the label, - hello, Jack Sparrow!), and... got back to work.
Had a brief encounter in work matters with a very gorgeous boy from another department. I, once again, acted like an idiot, but, on the other hand, did manage to show myself as someone competent =)))
I watched Richard Lester's Three Musketeers! The movie is absolutely great, sort of tongue-in-cheek canon. It's quite true to the book, but also very funny.
Hehe, and what I can I say regarding the latest HP news - we all knew anyway that Grindelwald/Dumbledore was canon (well, I did) xD
harry potter,
three musketeers