Mar 03, 2007 00:56
Watching Hustle (fourth episode already) and absolutely loving it. I started watching it because of Marc Warren - and he's so brilliant and lovely there, - but the show itself is very funny and sweet and generally very, very good.
And oh how slashy :p Filled with pairings to the brim. Plus there's the Mickey/Stacie/Danny slash/het triangle ;)
And it seems that there are very few fics about it on the web. Pity. I can't write Victor Maher/Mickey non-con porn all on my own you know :p I can, though, write an Albert/Mickey ficlet, I think ;)
The only two pairings where Mickey can't be on top, I think...
And, speaking, of the fourth episode, I loved the whole Stacie/Danny thing. Especially the strip poker part xD
marc warren,