
Nov 05, 2010 13:20

For my adoring masses:

Things these days seem to be leveling out. I say that now, but I'm just climbing out of a moderate 3 week depression which came on without warning, so maybe it isn't so much leveling as regaining, because it doesn't actually "level" until after you come down a little from the post depression apex. To illustrate my point:

I just made that, and I think it does a good job. Some of you may think it's an upside-down backwards action potential graph, but don't be fooled.

Speaking of Action Potential, there is zilch. I went on a few dates, but I don't have enough patience for that shit right now. I feel like I'm trying too hard, and really, I don't want to feel like that, it makes me feel desperate. But it's been eons since I've had sex, and that gets to me every once in a while, in a purely egotistical manner. The orgasms I can handle on my own, but you know, it would be nice to feel like other people (beyond my wonderful friends) think I'm attractive etc, etc. Blah, blah woe is me. Whatever, I am awesome. True story.

I am running a lot, minus that month for crying/sneezing/sleeping, which means that this time around, I've been running for... a week. I will say this- on Tuesday (my first day back) it was pretty tough for me to run 1/2 mile (which is pretty pathetic considering I was up to 3 1/2 before), but yesterday (third day) I ran 2 miles, so I guess it can come back pretty quickly. I also just started P90X which is an infomercial exercise program. I, literally, watched that infomercial 10 times. Yes I was interested in the program, but seriously the bodies they show are....fanning... HOT. Oh my God. And that's what I want. I (think I) want a man with a body like that, and therefore I can increase my likelihood of obtainment if I have a similar fitness level. Of course, it isn't all about that. I like feeling strong- it makes me feel physically stable which means I feel more mentally stable, and I'll take all the help I can get in that area.

Side note: I used to think I was schizophrenic, for a bunch of different voices reasons. I don't really feel like that anymore, and I think that running is at least partially to thank for that. I can get into that more, if anyone wants to know.

What else? Oh. I totally called it in one of my December of '09 posts. I am no longer working in the kitchen. I work for an acupuncture/psychology office in South Jersey. I moved back into an adorable little town. I live on the main street, and it's so quaint! But not in the same "It's so quaint, I could puke" way that Cranbury was. Really just so cute. And I have a corner store that I love. I applied to Temple's Biophysics program, even though for the last few weeks I'm thinking it's not exactly the program I want. I am interested in those things, sure, but what I'm really all about is Anatomy and Physiology. Geek. Shut up. Okay, maybe I'm still just a touch schizoid. Anyway.

I think that covers a lot of the big stuff. Aw, Lj, I missed you like, woah.
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