A&P geek

Nov 02, 2008 22:37

You know what's cool?

I'm watching Bones, and they just found microscopic fractures on osteons of the cranium, right? (And something like a year after the injury.) Do you know how big those are? 0.2 mm wide and 10 mm long. 2/10ths of a millimeter- I find it amazing how much we can read from such small pieces of us. How such small pieces of us retain information about our lives.

Wikipedia says:
Osteons carry their history so that given the right conditions they can be used to "read" the sex, and age, as well as aspects of health history, motor history and diet of an individual whose bone is being studied.

SLIBS was also very helpful

Bummer! I just found something I didn't remember/was wrong about. "I said I was a genius! I never said I was smart..."

tee vee, i heart internet 4eva, geek out!

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