Captain America: Civil War

May 05, 2016 14:45

I haven't seen either of the other Captain America movies, nor have I seen Ant Man so I must admit to feeling a little at sea with the plethora of characters in Captain America: Civil War. That said, I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. It is the most action-packed, character-packed and story-packed movie I have seen in a very long time, my only criticism is that perhaps it was a little too crowded. I accept that this minor criticism is linked to my not having seen the prequels, so I spent some time trying to figure out characters and relationships and back stories so my viewing was forced to be a little more active than perhaps other people's would be.

Overall, I loved the action scenes! It was good clean violence, just the way I like it. I didn't enjoy Deadpool as much as I would have liked because he was so crude and the violence was excessive, but with Captain America: Civil War it was more sanitized and more to my taste. I particularly enjoyed the extended scene where Captain America assists the escape of the Winter seemed to go on forever without becoming boring, and the introduction of Cat Man* was great, I like him a lot. (*I don't know his actual name, Cat Man is my best guess).

I don't get the Scarlet Johanson character, she doesn't seem to have any powers at all but is fairly nifty with her ninja fighting skills. Again, I haven't seen many of the other movies so clearly there is something I am missing. The one thing that was missing from her fight scenes was her face! It was very obvious that it wasn't Scarlet Johanson, except when the movement stopped and the bad guy had her pinned down, then we'd see her face. I don't know how scenes like this are filmed, presumably it is a stunt double who does the fighting scenes, but this is a bit jarring in the age of CGI where I am now used to seeing characters doing everything, no matter how implausible. It was just a minor irritation, I just think this particular character is not for me.

While I loved the movie, so much that I watched it on two consecutive nights, the down-side of it being so action-packed and character-packed and story-packed was that it wasn't as laughter-packed as I would have liked. I love the humour in Iron Man, and there were elements of it for sure in Captain America: Civil War (the scene with the VW Beatle being the best!). It didn't help that Iron Man himself was in a bit of a Pepper Potts funk so he wasn't as much craic as I expected. Some of the funniest moments involved the new Spiderman, who was awesome, so I look forward to a Spiderman movie!!


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