Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

Feb 13, 2016 00:49

I watched this in Cineworld, Parnell St, somewhere I haven't been for several years. It was enjoyable to be back in an old haunt, and I was pleased that some of my old gripes about the place are no longer an issue. The main problem for me was always the long queues but thanks to the ease of online booking and the use of QR codes instead of actual tickets that aspect of the experience was much improved. The queues in the shop were abysmal, no change there. The seats have all been upgraded so the theatre itself was very pleasant, and the toilets were clean and surprisingly had toilet roll! Was it worth the €13 ticket price though? Only for this once-off trip down memory lane.

The trailers were worrying...there's at least three horror movies on their way so expect a reprieve from these posts for a while (I do *not* do scary). I had to keep reminding myself that zombies are never scary, zombies are hilarious. Thankfully, the trailers were nothing like the main event so I am optimistic about my sleep tonight!

Anyways, enough digressions! It. Was. Awesome! What's not to love? It was Pride and Prejudice. And it had zombies! I loved it; my girlfriends and I giggled all the way through. They managed to blend the two worlds together wonderfully. It had all the romance and dresses of P&P (they did the entire P&P plot by the way) so we were giggling and swooning and sighing and generally loving every minute. And that was blended with a total 18-yr-old gamer take on the story - hidden knives, regular swordplay, random encounters in why-would-you-go-in-there woods. It was done in a very Buffy-esque way, but it did lack a Spike.

The only real important matter, for any version of P&P, is of course....Mr Darcy! I had Lizzie's reaction to this Mr Darcy - I wasn't too keen on him at first (he's certainly no Colin Firth *swoon*), but as the story went on he really did grow on me. I liked him well enough by the end, but no, he didn't really do it for me in the way that Mr Darcy should. It will be extremely hard to get a better Darcy than Colin Firth, or Matthew Macfadyen, I love his Mr Darcy, but they could have gone less 1D than Sam Riley. Lily James was stunning as Lizzie, and Elizabeth Bennet kicked all kinds of live, dead and undead ass like the awesome character that we know and love. The whole cast performed well and didn't giggle once! I'd love to see the out-takes though, they must have had great craic making this one. I particularly loved the Darcy proposal scene - that really akward conversation, filled with misunderstandings on both sides. Well this time, the exact conversation takes place as they kick the $h!t out of each other, with some kinky button-popping thrown in for good measure.

There really should be more zombie chick flicks.


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